20 thoughts on “Your nanny/surveillance state in your car and crotch…

  1. Better fuel economy… UM, this is a mustang, I want it to sound awesome and not hear the turbos on that 4-cylinder spool up. I turned it off at that point. I’m sure it’s a spy machine for gov. I saw Ford got a patent to blast ads on your monitor, recently. That alone will keep me away.

  2. I just bought a new car, a 40 year old Mercedes SL. The build quality is beyond anything made today, parts are inexpensive, you can rebuild the car with a few hand tools and the only electronics is in the radio. For 1/8 the cost of a new Mustang.

  3. I’ve experienced more than a few instances of “Surveillance” with Herself’s new Hyundai. I exceed the speed limit by a certain amount, SHE gets both a TEXT and EMAIL telling here exactly WHERE, WHEN and HOW FAST the vehicle was going.

    How easy it would be to send that info to the L.E. of Jurisdiction…. and automatically get a fine? Too damn easy if you ask me.

    That and I had the seat heater on the other day… blew a healthy fart into the damn thing and then she gets an email telling her I’m overdue for a colonoscopy…. 😉

    • Any automobile built after 2013 broadcasts its position to the cell network as it proceeds down any roadway. Insurance co’s are giving you a slight discount for signing up for their monitoring program the first year. When they catch your self reported speeding or occasional heavy braking, they’re going to jack your ins. rates to unaffordable levels. Law enforcement jumping in on that self reported data will come sooner or later.

      • Past a quarter million on my 08 Tundra, going for half a mil now. Wish it were fiat dollars or silver dollars though.

  4. And every running vehicle 10 years or older just got that much more valuable. Just saw an 89 F350 dually on Craigslist recently. Mint, low mileage, 460 V8, no computer. Very interested.

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  6. Cover the shark fin with copper or lead sheet to block the signal or remove the surveillance chip. Alternatively, this spy tech can be used in your favor!

      • The problem is, if the car/truck can’t call home within a certain time period, it disables the engine for “safety”. It then reenables the engine once it calls home and reports its’ recorded data. Problems when you use the vehicle in areas without cell tower coverage. This has already seen requiring a tow, and that was the answer from the dealer.

    • You can buy a stand-alone Garmin or Magellan GPS that ONLY listens for GPS satellites. It has NO transmit capabilities and you have to periodically use your PC to update maps.

      My kind of electronics. “Convenience” should be considered synonymous with “we’re spying on you without you knowing OR consenting”.

      Since I’m an electronics and computer geek I can bypass or eliminate all the nasty stuff that reports remotely to other sites/addresses. Screw ’em.

  7. Just rename it with something more appropriate:
    The Ford Rat
    The Ford Creeper
    The Ford Karen.

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