13 thoughts on “You would scream like a little girl!

  1. Not this huge, but many many moons ago when taking a sip of my coffee while fishing I bit in something sweet.
    Yep. An itsy bitsy spider.

  2. Eh,I would just carefully let the little dude outside,winter,into the indoor plants he goes,spiders do not phase me at all.

    Now…..,if it was a large hornet would beak out the shotgun/blow it away and then do some sheet rock repair!

  3. Yup. And then the guns’d come up and lead would be flying in all directions too!

    Flapz is down in BC and he has black widows living in his basement – big bejeezus monsters too! So big that if ya stepped on them, I bet the mess afterward would only come up with a friggin squeegee!

    If I had those things in my shop I’d nuke the place from orbit!

  4. I wouldn’t scream. but I might hurl whatever covfefe and breakfast I had just consumed all over my kybd and screen. That’s nasty.

  5. just goes to show:
    spiders need their morning coffee too
    Be Kind! Share Your Morning Coffee with a Spider.

  6. Update on a classic joke. An American, a Chinaman and a Scotsman each find a spider in their coffee. The American sighs, steps onto his front porch, fishes the spider out with a spoon and sets it free. The Chinaman crunches down the spider as a bonus snack. The Scotsman grabs the spider by its two rearmost legs and shakes it over the cup, yelling, “Spit it oot, damn ye! Spit oot ma coffee!”

  7. So you were ignoring your cup of coffee long enough that it cooled down to the point where a big-ass spider crawled into it?

  8. One morning, ten years back I had a mug full (full disclosure: I never wash the mug: it has a rich patina). On the last swallow, sumthin’ ‘solid’ ended up in my mouth. I spit back into the mug and found a dead wasp. Was it alive, in the mug, when the drip started? Or was the big bastard dead from the start? Hell if I know. The coffee, as I recall, didn’t taste any better or worse cuz it had a boiled wasp carcass in it.

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