9 thoughts on “You too can have free electricity… Ya might have to move to LA, but what a paradise!

  1. Had a friend in Mass years ago that used jumper cables on the main disconnect in his basement to bypass the meter. He reconnected it for one week out of the month.
    That was a looooooong time ago.

    • There’s better, safer ways, but sometimes the simplest way is all ya gots.
      I wonder whom inspected the installation…

  2. Cut off the wiring to the stolen electricity just like PGE does to me a lot of the time.
    Pull the wires, cut the wires up into many parts and gather them all up and throw them into a whole bunch of different dumpsters. LOLLOLLOLLOLLOLL
    Then light their trailer afire. lolololol

    • More’n likely 90 to 100 volts, but it of course depends on load. Whatcha wanna bet the dumbasses tried to plug in a space heater or hotplate originally (that draws 12 to 15 amps) and cooked their wires?

      No bets, it’s a sure thing.

      Just remember, fools are protected by more capable fools.

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