10 thoughts on “You need to decide. I, myself have no issue with being called “racist” they made me.

  1. I still have my membership card in the Vast Right Wing Conspiracy. I don’t think I was particularly racist until I was made to be one. Now, I’ll proudly embrace the label of Deplorable Racist.
    Been saying ever since I was in the military that I’ve known blacks, and I’ve known ni**ers, and the ni**ers exist in all colors. Had a black roommate in the barracks, and we got along just fine. He hated the hood rats down the hall as much as anyone.

    • Greg, Amen! I’ve always defined the “jogger” by the content of the individuals character, as seen by his/her ACTIONS. Black, White, Mixed, whatever; the important part was how one lived. That’s been changed-by them. So now i (we) are “bitter, clinger, irredeemable, deplorable, fascist”, or, as Rush said, “racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic troglodytes”. I’ll wear that as a badge of honor. Daddy said you could judge a man by his enemies; i reckon that’s true. Scarecrow

      • I count myself fortunate that I have learned enough throughout my life to be called a racist, sexist, homophobic, deplorable, xenophobic troglodyte. I proudly accept the compliment.

        Evil Franklin

    • Same, Greg – I had a black teammate in the USAF – the Shop Chief NCOIC pulled me aside beforehand and asked me point-blank if I had a problem with it, I told him that the kid passed the same tests I did and that was good enough for me. He does the work, he’s okay with me.

      However, it lasted 4 months. Kid and a few others were doing drugs (selling, using) – and back in 1974 that was an absolute no-no as we were working with NUCLEAR WEAPONS for Pete’s sake! Turns out the OSI investigated me pretty thoroughly and found… nothing. Shop Chief got mad and told the pinheads that I was their best, most trustworthy Team Chief and I didn’t smoke, drink, screw around, or overly bitch too much. Which was a rarity on Minot AFB, trust me. He always went to bat for me, big time. When I and my Best Bud got out (on the same day, end of October 1976) he went on a bender for two days. Poor guy.

  2. One of the things that has astounded me about the racist labeling recently is how some white people are labeling others racist just because they’re white.

    The good news is that when a label is applied generally like that, it ceases to have meaning. Que the fable of the little boy crying wolf.

  3. I do not recall reading about any black nations in North America.

    I am also looking at how things are going in South Africa. And to that, I say let them there continue to starve when they get rid of all the whites, we will not ever send another dime to help them – fuck them. THEN once the Chinese move in and enslave them, we can tell them we will be sending only prayers. (right)

  4. Too easy. They want me bad enough, they can come get me.

    But I WILL make them regret they did.

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