FYI a huckle is the handle on a casket. Not being smartass here but the original phrase was huckle bearer but yes Val Kilmer said it best. Reply ↓
All the friends I have left are assholes, that way I fit in. I’ve described every one of them to someone else as, “He’s kind of a dick but a good guy.” The ‘nice’ ones were fine, tolerant, caring, hate-filled lefties. Reply ↓
Yes, I am and quite proud of it, I might add. BFYTW
Seeing as I don’t have any friendsl, I KNOW who the asshole is…and I like it that way.
I’m your Huckleberry!
FYI a huckle is the handle on a casket. Not being smartass here but the original phrase was huckle bearer but yes Val Kilmer said it best.
I have TWO !
Who insists we are friends?
You and Phil, that’s who.
WTH, Igor
Damn, I thought I was your friend
All the friends I have left are assholes, that way I fit in.
I’ve described every one of them to someone else as, “He’s kind of a dick but a good guy.”
The ‘nice’ ones were fine, tolerant, caring, hate-filled lefties.
Who, ME, bwahahaha
You come to mind, often too…
What is this? An asshole contest?
Contest, no.
Site, yes.
It should have been, “I’m your fuckleberry numbnuts, try me.”
“I am that guy.”
So you have a part time job as a sensitive mercenary?