You Haven’t Even Started Getting Mad Yet

3 weeks into Trumps new term and we have already been blasted with the evidence of fraud, waste and abuse of our Tax money.

Now get a load of this,

What do you think of this?

37 thoughts on “You Haven’t Even Started Getting Mad Yet

  1. and let us not forget how helpful all of our congress critters have bein in support of this shit show. they too are getting paid to look the other way or getting a “cut”
    of the sales. how about this. after DOGE gets thru with a middlemen of this shit,
    we start them on the congress critters who have gotten rich in the last 20 years or so. I still like to know how someone a brain dead as AOC can have a net worth of 26 million inside of 6-7 years ? when before getting into congress she was stealing “tips” from her co workers at the bar ?
    and how is that bitch, Sam Powers have a net worth of over 100 million on a gov’t paycheck ? who just happen to run USAID for years. it is time to start putting all of these stealing assholes in prison. but before we do that little bit. take back every damn penny they have gotten from us first.
    they have had a lot of fun over the years breaking others and making them sell everything and still be in debit over bullshit “legal’ claims.
    NOW, it is our turn to “right the scales”
    it is a wonder more people have yet to understand the sheer amount of money they have stolen from us. when that does hit and people realize just how bad it is.
    well, they might be safe anymore.

    • Yah, that some rich irony there isn’t it.

      Get fired, then less than 18 months later, sell the company you founded AFTER GETTING FIRED, to the company that fired you, for almost a $BILLION, while chillin’ in the woods in Maine..

  2. Trump’s waste of tax dollars is small potatoes in comparison – $20 million to attend the Super Bowl and $2 million to golf in his first three weeks.

    • So, Sparky, how come you never commented on BiteMe’s vacations on the beach and his being almost permanently at his domicile in Delaware during his “term”?? Hmmm?

      • Well Skippy, watching senile old joe sleep is relatively cheap for the taxpayers. Every time Trump goes to Mar a Lardo it costs taxpayers $100s of thousands for lodging and per diem for his staff and SS detail. That money goes into Trump’s pocket. Following Trump around the golf course, to rallies and big parties takes a lot more tax $$ than napping joe.

        • “Well Skippy, watching senile old joe sleep is relatively cheap for the taxpayers. ”
          You’re *conveniently* not mentioning the SS Detail and other costs associated with The Prez not being at the WH… Sorry, nice try. Better luck next time.

          • Sorry to confuse you Scooter but “relatively” means “by comparison.” It’s not that there are no costs.
            Who incurs higher security costs, an old senile man sleeping or an old fat man waddling around a golf course?

  3. I know there’s a humongus amount of theft of our taxpayer dollars going to elected government officials (how else do they become obscenely rich) and other groups receiving illicit funds. My question is that if we reign this in, what will become of our economy? These people are not eating this money, although they are eating well. That money goes to support a lot of other people who are depending on it for a job. I’m no economist, but the concept of the velocity of money comes into play here somehow. Given the vast amount of graft, could the ending of it have serious ripple effects we should prepare for? Could this be the trigger for a new depression? I am NOT saying it should continue, I am asking if there should be serious concern about its abrupt end.

      • Agreed. And you cannot possibly hate these people enough.

        If not now, when?

        Riddle me that.

      • “My question is that if we reign this in, what will become of our economy?”

        …Well,… it’ll probably be a shit show for a while, but it’ll straighten itself out. Maybe if these people have to compete with all the ILLEGAL ALIENS they’ve let in, their attitudes will change! My question to YOU is, what could YOU be doing with all the money these people are FLEECING from YOU???

      • Gotta hit bottom before we can claw our way back to the top, Phoenix Rising from the ashes.

    • Ripple effects? heh, yes. And yes, everyone should be concerned. The ending is one of the unknown factors, because this financial fraud and money laundering is global, so when tens of millions of people can’t pay the mortgage or car note as they used to, how many people will get desperate? how many people will sell out their neighbor for a loaf of bread?

      Anyone who thinks I am off base, that’s ok. History and Reality don’t care. And given how fucked up the financial status was before he was re-elected, 36 TRILLION in debt, there is no magic crystal ball unicorn fairy dust that will fix that. For all I know, the economy will crash in 4 months.

    • Oh PLEASE. They’re not spending that money. If they were, their net worth wouldn’t be so obscenely high. They’re spending a small percentage, banking a small percentage and shipping the rest to off shore bank accts.

      Remember that new banking they passed during Obozo’s second tenure where any money going off shore from anybody or any entity has to be reported and taxed if necessary? Guess who’s exempt from that law and most other laws that they pass to fg**k us in the a55 twelve times a day.

    • They are printing money to fund this. If we stop the fraud and stop printing funny money (BIRM), you will see inflation go away. When people have more buying power, the economy surges. If we can burn down the debt and reduce our interest payments (didn’t they become the #1 biggest expense last year?), maybe we can start building things in the US. The money will still move around, it will just be used for productive activities instead of feathering the nests of the DC elite.

      • I don’t believe inflation ever goes away. The rate of it may slow, but once the money supply is diluted, it does not recover to it’s previous value. If you water down your whiskey, you cannot just pour out the water.

        • No, you have to separate it by boiling or freezing. Either way, you’re gonna go through changes.

          Can’t be avoided.

          Are you prepared?

    • Maybe, just maybe, if the money was left in John Doe’s pocket, money that he earned, he would either save it or spend it on stuff he wants and the economy would improve.

      How many of you regularly buy yachts worth over $1 Million or an aircraft, a $200,000 Mercedes etc. to keep the economy afloat?

      Yes, they do spend their money but the demand for luxury goods like that is very small potatoes in comparison with the value of ordinary people spending for their needs.

    • You raise a valid point, however it could not go on indefinitely and as painful as the effects of this will be it won’t be as bad as the inevitable crash we would surely have experienced and might yet avoid.

  4. One of the affects during the 2008 economy downturn was that people stopped having kids and marrying. The amount of kids now per family is just over 1 and this is now approaching the HS grad time. How will this affect the country in three ways: 1) 4 years of high inflation will lead parents to look for alternate ways for their kids to learn as college costs are too high (possible Trade School), 2)Colleges will be fighting to keep open as less students are available, and 3) Education has been going down for many years so colleges will have to train incoming better also the incoming is shifting right, which is against how most colleges are.

  5. I would argue that the whiskey isn’t watered down until the “printed” money is spent into the economy.

    If you printed a few trillion in counterfeit money, only spending it dilutes the money supply. Defunding the USAID grift machine *should be* like burning that counterfeit money.


  6. I can respect someone being opposed to supporting Ukraine. But I can’t respect a liar. Tucker has decided to emulate the Democrat strategy of if you say it loud enough, long enough and with a straight face, people will eat that shit. But he can’t prove it. No one can. And they have tried for 3 years to make that lie stick, and failed. Every such allegation by anybody has always been without anything to back it up. And it is a shame that he thinks he needs to cheat to try to win the influence game, because on other topics and in other realms he has been an asset to conservatism. But now he is a liability. As he continues to destroy his own credibility, he taints the larger movement. I’m looking forward to his destruction, in order to save the larger movement from his fraud.

    • How do you know he’s lying? Officials in Poland have made the same allegations about wealthy Ukrainian ” refugees.”
      Even the dwarf piano player contends the Ukonazis have only received Seventy-three billion of the close to two hundred billion we’ve wasted waging war against Vodka Man Bad.
      Luther’s Turd

  7. there are a lot of ways to “steal’ money in arms shipments.
    one is to box up a bit of scrap metal the same weight of said weapon system.
    slap a customs seal on it and out it goes. the “steal’ is not found until the crate is opened. you have to remember this bit. after drugs and people, weapons is a great way to make money ! illegal arms sales is in the billions each year. easy.
    and unless you are willing to X-ray every box or crate going in or out.
    you never find them. kind of like the “Glock switch” that find their way here
    or inline fuel filters that can be made into cans. again. illegal here, but not where they are made. a few bucks worth of material and some machine time turns into
    big bucks here. kind of hard to stop really.

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