You Do See What They Are Trying To Pull Again Don’t You?

The WHO, the asshole World Health Association, not the Geezer British Band, has declared Monkeypox as a world wide health concern.

I don’t know who needs to hear this but hey, QUIT FUCKING THE MONKEYS OK?!

Next item,

There have been some strange headlines recently declaring that there is some “UNIDENTIFIED DEADLY VIRUS” making the rounds, somewhere, and we should all hunker back down and start wearing masks again or some bullshit.

I don’t fucking know and I don’t fucking care.

It’s kind of amazing to me that all these “Deadly Virii” seem to be coming around every 4 years. It’s amazing that nobody seems to notice this or wonder why.

So I was on X a minute ago and ran across this,

And I thought to myself, yeah, that is EXACTLY how I feel about all this bullshit.

I’m also thinking that just about everyone who stops by this joint probably thinks exactly the same thing.

These assholes fucked us over hard and now we find out that 90% of their rules were bullshit they pulled out of their asses just to see how far they could push us because they had no fucking idea what they were doing.

Tsk Tsk.

Ya done fucked yourselves in the long run there Sport because now a good portion of the population would rather strangle a health expert with their bare hands before putting a fucking useless mask back on.

I know I would.

Just sayin’.

21 thoughts on “You Do See What They Are Trying To Pull Again Don’t You?

  1. Sadly there will be people who will happily use this as an excuse to attack freedom. And plenty of people who will gladly comply. The world is full of wolves and sheep.

    • On the plus side, that debacle presented the opportunity to be Johnny Freedomseed. Often I would be the only one without a mask. I would tell people to not cave to the fear TPTB are spreading. A couple of facts like true mortality rated and some would be won over.

      More than once did people thank me for being so bold, showing them they don’t have to comply. Id be WTF. You’re an adult, act like it. Take charge, don’t let others push you around.

      I think this time around there will be a lot more standing in defiance. That’s probably why they’re having a soft start* instead of demanding all at once like last time..

      * Four times so far they’ve threaten with monkey pox. About t that number with bird flu and a couple of swine flu thrown in. Don’t forget two times threatening virus X. They’re looking for the most plausible. They showed the distrust so now have to double their efforts, come up with something that will shake the people.

  2. According to the WHO, there have been 542 fatalities. More people have died falling off ladders, or from malaria, drunk drivers, etc in the same period.

  3. I didn’t comply the first time. What I did see was there were a lot of wannabe Mussolini wanting to tell me what and how. At their workplace, like the grocery or hardware stores , a surprising number said it wasn’t their boss who told them to harass the customer. Which means they took it upon themselves to play covid cop. Reminded me of the Stanford prison experiment.

    • Bingo!
      It also showed that critical thinking skills are lacking in a large portion of the population.

  4. There’s only about 10,000 different things in your body right now that can kill you…
    Your immune system protects you.

  5. they pushing fear. by getting everyone scared half to death of whatever, that gives them control. what they really want. control over you. as my parents would say
    “fuck off” dad was Scots -Irish and mom had a LOT of Irish in her bloodline.
    didn’t play their game last time around, so I don’t think I will this time.
    but your right about the Covid cops. got more flak from so called normal people than anyone in charge. really anyone who went thru NBC training should know better. but then again, people would have to THINK for themselves.
    most follow whatever the damn TV assholes say. stupid. and people wonder why I don’t have a damn TV too ?

  6. The ones that really gave me a hoot were the idiots driving alone in their cars with masks on.

  7. Never underestimate the stupidity of the left. You can show them 1000% proof there is no virus and they will mask up and tell the authorites on you every freaking time

  8. I didn’t comply to any of their regs last time why would I this time? No clot shot, no shots. Not any at any time. Ok, except for a tetanus shot.

    • Even with the tetanus toxoid injection there is some contraindicated reasons not to get the shot every time you cut yourself or suffer an injury that involves dirt. All the previous injection of the toxoid vaccine given during childhood and as a young adult some research indicated a lifetime immunity to tetanus toxoid. That getting one every ten years is much like getting the fifth or sixth booster injection for the covid scam plandemic.

  9. They can suck a 7.62x54R gone hot if they think I’ll ever believe them any more than I believed the last scamdemic.

  10. How to avoid Monkeypox? Sit down and keep your mouth closed (in other words avoid unprotected gay sex).

    How many people remember how quickly Monkeypox became mpox then disappeared from the news entirely when there were reports of infants, children, and animals being infected too?

  11. “How-to” suggestions and/or success stories would be appreciated. Besides the everlasting southern Europe database.

  12. Oh they fucking damn well KNEW what they were doing! They acted like they had no idea what they were doing to hide what they were actually doing. This is why military tribunals are going to be so effective.
    They built a GESTAPO wet dream system to permanently capture ALL of our communications and then they stupidly used those same systems for their own communications. It was the height of hubris! We have their all of their COMMS. Nothing is ever truly deleted.

  13. During the covid panic, a woman who was on the other side of the street and about 100 feet down, screamed at me asking didn’t I care that I was helping to murder people by not wearing a mask.

  14. I’ve got vast numbers of “shots” to give the WHO/CDC/FDA assmonkeys if they try that shit again. The “injections” will continue until they’re “cured for life.” Fuck. Them.

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