15 thoughts on “You Damn Well Should Be

  1. yup. same here, or part. more scots-Irish really. we are good friends but,,,
    not someone you really want mad at you.

  2. God Bless my Irish Brothers.
    America has no such men anymore.

    Seems to me, The IRA has a New Mission Set.

  3. Despite the reputation of Irish men nothing meaningful will come from this. Some vehicles will burn, some windows will be smashed but the people who NEED to suffer violence up close and personally will not be affected. This incident will blow over, the indignation at it will be short circuited and replaced by a new distraction and the destruction of white western civilization will continue…at an accelerated pace.

  4. Import 3rd world people, become 3rd world country. Burning tires and yelling at the clouds won’t change the current cultural trajectory in Europe.
    Or here. We’re about a decade more or less behind them.

  5. White Irish men? That’s fucking redundant. There aren’t any other kind. I don’t care if your great grandfather was born there. If you aren’t White, you aren’t Irish.

  6. The Enemy on the Streets are the po-Lice. They will be the ones Arresting the Whites who act in Self-Defense, just like here in the FUSSA. They Live in the neighborhood, and their Families are not Protected 24/7 like the (((elites))).

    The tactics used during the “Troubles” are just as valid Today; everyone should Study them closely.

  7. The Irish in general need to start an IRA style of resistance against their own government, especially the police. They’ll come around because they know what the consequences are for them and their families. After that getting rid of the invaders will be easy.

  8. Folks. I have been up to my neck in our recent “troubles” with the English.

    This event is the first the outside world has seen of the tension inside ‘free Ireland’ or the ‘Irish Republic’.
    We in the ‘occupied North’ are seeing similar tensions with Africans arriving.

    We didn’t suffer with English Terror for centuries to put up with a new Plantation v2 occurring now. Matters will be dealt with.
    Oglaigh na Eireann have been stood down but Irish men will stand up.

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