8 thoughts on “You Can’t Hate Those Miserable SonsaBitches Enough

  1. It is the liberal way, to squawk much about that which accomplishes nothing and to violently fight against that which might solve the problem. The next few years are going to be an absolute shit show, few of these assholes will live to see the end of it. Deus vult.

  2. But “replacement theory” is bull shit, right!?

  3. The bipartisan child tax credit extension during the pandemic gave parents a couple hundred bucks per child per month. Child poverty dropped a third. In 2023 the House wouldn’t extend it and child poverty has risen back to pre-pandemic levels.
    Don’t know about Trump but Vance supports restoring it.

  4. Pingback: The Trump campaign needs to hammer this point about the Democrats | If You are Left you ain't Right

  5. The illegals get the democratic states more seats in the congress, hungry kids are already there and they don’t get anything extra.
    Things are not good….

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