20 thoughts on “You Can Bet Your Ass That After The Dust Settles In California A Bunch Of Them Won’t Be.

  1. Joe just gave the Democrats there another version of a get out of jail free card by telling them the Feds (that us Kemosabe) would give them a blank check for the next 180 days. O thing ever changes – a big eff you to Appalachia and a slobbering kiss to wierdsville.

  2. Wait til all of these people, except celebs of course, whose homes burned to the ground, get $0.10 on the dollar from their insurance co’s due to act of god and are denied permits to rebuild because reasons.

    • They will be denied because Blackrock has already made moves to take the properties. Remember those nice little FEMA Bills they passed? The ones that say the Government can take over land affected from disasters?
      Tell me this was a coincidence to happen right before the Inauguration.

  3. Wait until a couple of days after it’s over, then it will be Trumps fault according to the news…

  4. many people may be looking at the fires and thinking they got what they voted for. Well while that may be partly true, the property losses and insurance claims will be in the billions. This will have a ripple effect through the entire economy. First governor hair gel will start screaming for federal help, and with 10 days left there is just enough time for Brandon to give them some more of our tax dollars. After that, insurance companies (and the re-insurance markets) will begin selling selling selling selling over a year or two or three to get the cash to pay out claims (after first denying as much as possible to screw people, because that is what they do). All this selling of securities will keep stock and bond prices low, which may have a benefit only for bond holders as lower prices mean higher bond interest. Then you get to the BlackCocks and Vanguards that will swoop in and buy up a lot of distressed beach front property and build cheap apartment complexes all over the place. This is just one giant sh&t sandwich and as the famous line from Full Metal Jacket went, everyone is going to have to take a bite.

  5. just wait until the herd on The View starts talking about how people of color were disproportionately impacted by the fires.

  6. This is alll good. Some people never change. They’ll only do what’s right once they’ve exhausted all the alternatives. Darwin and Murphy aren’t finished with them yet.

    • Doesn’t matter if the Libtards outnumber them, and the voter fraud is rampant.
      Which is the way it is right now.

  7. Does this mean that people along the Gulf Coast, Georgia and the Carolinas should quit voting Republican because hurricanes are flooding them out?

  8. I’m on a grassy knoll in a swamp that has a minimal risk of tornado. Defensible space for over 50 yards, open water within 500 feet, no earthquakes, no hurricanes, only poisonous critters are Brown Recluses, diversity mainly limited to drunken stealing feather Indians.

    I’ll take the cold, extreme amount of biting flies, yo-yo weather and short growing season, thank you very much.

  9. I’d bet that a number of Californians will be leaving the state for Texas or Florida just as soon as they can collect all of the cash that the insurance company and Uncle Sam are going to give them. It’s a golden opportunity. Why rebuild?

  10. The mainstream media is in somewhat of a pickle on this. The celebrities and elites that normally back the play for the Democrats, sre calling them out. The media isn’t sure how far th go with their coverage. They need to appear impartial and relevant, but not so far as to bite the hand that feeds them.

    The water system issues, diversity fire chief, fd budget cuts, surplus/reserve equipment to Ukraine, and the mayor in Africa while the city burns had a lot of folks pissed off. As the extent of the damage becomes more evident the losses mount, and the realization that the insurance will not come close to covering the losses, expect things to get uglier.

  11. Adam Corolla had a rant that will split hairs. He said wait till they have to deal with the 8 lesbo’s that run the coastal commission when applying for rebuild permits

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