8 thoughts on “You Can Bet On It

  1. The reason Biden can’t quit is because the Donks are in a state of absolute chaos. The nut roots of the party are threatening to run away with it. All the alternatives to Creepy Joe are even worse than he is.

    The other problem is the optics. Joe is so bad they had to Jack an election to get him in. People were leaned on hard to get them to go along. The media was paid off to hide his dementia for 4 years. Pundits and influencers in social media were bout and threatened too. You cannot go to all these people and say “There’s something wrong with Joe!!!! We need someone else!!!”

    There is no one else, and if the Donks pull the same crap in this upcoming election as they did in the last… I’d be very surprised if a few didn’t get shot for their troubles. The smartest thing they could do is concede and get their poop in a group for 2028.

  2. Stand back and let the Kilkenny Cats in the Barrel go at each other.Don’t forget butter futures, either!

  3. That’s funny shit right thar but I still believe they will (S)elect Rump so as to take the fall in the White House. The attempt was by the no more bidet wackos who want to win thinking they can continue the shit show when it’s already out of gas

  4. Maybe he could hire the same Russian hackers that ginned up that fake Hunter Biden laptop.

  5. The DNC will once again drain the strategic ballot reserve much like Biden is depleting our oil reserves.

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