You Aren’t Drafting My Daughter!

This guy says what we are all thinking out loud,

(Profanity Warning)

He speaks my language fluently but his message is absolute truth.

Let’s have a Hell Yeah!

26 thoughts on “You Aren’t Drafting My Daughter!

  1. hmmm, don’t be shy, tell me how you really feel, I have 2 sons, they aren’t going to fight in any bullshit wars either

  2. He talks the talk. What needs to happen is for people to know walk the walk.

    The criminals in power do the evil things they do for a simple reason. BECAUSE THEY CAN. Want them to stop? Then it’s going to require violence to stop them.
    Violence of the vigilante type.

    • Unfortunately you’re correct, everyone knows where this is headed. Question now becomes when?

    • Already happening, look at the military recruiting may be their desire though thinking they will be in charge when done. History has proved them wrong time and again but they only cancel history not study it.

  3. Hell yeah! I don’t have a daughter, but my son and two grandsons will not fight in their bullshit, profiteering wars. Over my dead body. Besides, my husband and father already served and paid the price.

    “War Pigs”. Fuck them.

  4. Well gee, he sounds kinda…hostile. Think I understand, but I wonder if enough sheeple have awakened yet.

    • You assume a lot, bud. One, the Israelis are not pure evil, but they do have their women in military service. And as we have seen in this most recent rendition, Israel is once again fighting for its life. They need their women to join the fight. Two, when the time comes for us to finally stand up against our own communist government, WE will need the women to join in. Would you consider yourself pure evil then? And C, if you’ve ever seen the movie, The Undefeated, with John Wayne and Rock Hudson, when the commancheros were about to to attack the wagons, Wayne’s character told Hudson’s character to “arm the women.” Having everyone firing weapons was the only way they were going to win. And they were not pure evil for doing so. Your view of it all is a bit narrow.

      • I don’t think this post was meant for you. It was meant for people who have their head out of their ass and can see that Israel is the biggest evil on planet earth. This so-called Hamas attack was another false flag attack put on by Israel for the purpose of making them victims once more in a never ending string Israeli victimization events. It worked with WWII and all the other bull shit false flag events they have pulled. Maybe the Rothschild/Vatican World Mafia feels its time to take out those wretched Iranians who have thus far refused to surrender their sovereignty to the World Mafia. Could just be that they have decided on a little nuclear exchange so that
        we will crush them, after all, the Jews have never minded sacrificing a few of their own innocents to achieve the goals of the Mafia.

        • I think Joe is “glowing” a bit. It’s OK, Joe you’ll find the truth eventually.

  5. I truly believe EVERY word he said! Even the “f@cks!!
    The REAL war NEEDS to start here and right F-Ing NOW!!!!

  6. I knew a guy that used to be a CPO in the Navy, he retired and opened a motorcycle shop. This was while I was in the Navy (65-69). He said if he had a daughter in a whorehouse and a son in the Navy, he would do anything in his power to get his son out.

  7. Hell Yeah is right. Keep your draft. If you have to be drafted because you didn’t want to join up, we don’t want you anyway. And definitely you don’t draft women even if they are lgbtq queer. We don’t want them. Or their sissy boy wanna be(s).

  8. With the Southern Invasion and nothing happening with DC either with the lame Admin or Congress there will be change. Further Soros has the DAs changed in most Blue cities so no prosecution happens and justice does not happen.

    We are seeing One System Of Government in California and it is destroyed. I learned about California history in my local California elementary school in the 60s. One of the things I learned was what happened in San Francisco after the Gold Rush was over and corruption hit. Criminals, corrupt police, corrupt Judges all lead to no Justice until Vigilantes in mass started to attack, cause major injuries, and killings until over several years Justice was returned. I believe this will happen again though out the country.

    I believe if we loose the 2024 election due to fraud we will end up in CW2. The states will then be in a fight against the invasion and people of the country to restore the Union. There is not a clear path and it will likely be more like the Iraq War we were in. DC or any area will not be safe for any Fed in any agency.

  9. I wonder how many of the loons with the “I support Israel” stickers on their Cars (or websites) are willing to send their Sons and Daughters to fight for “god’s chosen people”?

    Like the Meme says, “War id Good for Business. Invest your Children.”

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