There seems to be a trend of lots and lots of people heading North from the South.
This is where the Californians are going.
Here is where the Illegals are heading according to their Free phone tracking info.

In case you aren’t aware, the U.S./Canadian border is pretty much WIDE OPEN except for the most popular entry/exit points.
Now the Canadians have pretty much been ass raped by their Government who is damn near openly Communist at this point and it is only getting worse by the day seemingly.
I’m no GeoPolitical/Migration Trend expert and I haven’t slept in a Motel 6 for quite a while but I have been around a while and do have a very diverse interest in a lot of different things.
I don’t think it’s going to take an expert to figure out what is going to happen long term with this trend of Mass Migration from the South to the North.
It’s not like there is some magic line that separates the countries on the continent except on paper and at a few selected sites they like to call Border Check Points.
Nope, pressure always tries to equalize.
Squeeze from the South and look what happens at the North end.

Despite the obvious political reasons why our Southern Border is WIDE OPEN, I would like to point out that it’s not like we don’t have the room.
This is a big country with lots of Wide Open spaces.
Plenty of Real Estate as it were.
It’s the freaking INFRASTUCTURE that can support modern human life that we don’t have.
And there lies the rub.
More and more people are going to struggling over less and less available resources that support modern life.
The problem I see is that the people who were born and raised in the United States take those resources for granted because they have always been there.
The people coming here by the millions haven’t always had things like running hot water at the flip of a handle.
Therefore, they will be more than happy to do whatever it takes to obtain and retain that while most Americans couldn’t even tell you where it comes from.
The people coming here are dirty, disease ridden and are used to living in brutal environments.
Brutal as in Kill Or Be Killed kind of environments.
Most Americans can’t even begin to imagine the conditions these people live with every day.
That’s why Americans are about to get the lesson of a Lifetime.
If you think the Inner City Crime is bad now, you haven’t see anything yet.
What I am talking about is the level of violence and the butchery that the Mexican Cartels have been using for years showing up on Americans news casts here very, very shortly.
The kind of thing Google Image Search censors so badly that they will not show any of.

People literally butcherd like sheep and left to rot as a message not to fuck with the wrong people.
Imagine these are human heads instead of sheep heads and you will get an idea of what has been going on South of the border.

I am not joking and those kinds of images are very conveniently and absolutely censored so that you are kept nice and unaware of the real world out there.
This, is what Joe Freaking Biden with Barak Obama’s hand up his ass is allowing to happen here.
You are at war whether you know it or not and you had better harden up Nancy because there is unimaginable horror coming to the town you live in and it’s on it’s way RIGHT NOW.

Remember, the Gun Grabbers want you to be completely unarmed and defenseless against these invading forces.
You do not have enough ammo and you are not prepared for invading forces with zero moral restrictions.
You may need a few new shovels also.
The Law of the Jungle is going to be the New Normal.
UPDTE, Here’s a video my friend Irish sent me so you can see what scumbags our so called Border Patrol officials are. They are the ones calling the shots here.
It’s not Biden, he’s the fool figurehead that takes all the flak.
Both parties are complicit in this invasion. ALL of them, including the conservative darlings like Abbot. We’re going to have to start shooting people soon so get your head on straight.
yup. Biden is a moron. there no way he running anything. but the assholes behind him ? yup. they are the ones who have sold out
the country and us. it all of the assholes behind the curtain we want to deal with. I think the old French way of dealing with problems like this will work best as there is not enough rope on the east coast to deal with all of them. maybe set something up on the Mall ?
Por encourager les autres
The illegals are getting placed in counties that are republican by only 20-30 votes…..
I live on the Texas border. I find it outrageous that both the left media and our so called conservative media talked about Bud Light Forever! and now what is happening here is almost not mentioned.
Consider this idea,
Organize all your food stores to raise food prices x10 and post them on all shelves.
Offer the “discount” regular price to anyone who can prove citizenship and residence.
(There is a little sea side town near me that does this to the tourists)
2$coca cola for you, 20$ coke for Jose.
Any bit of sand slows the gears.
Hunger will make people move on to greener pastures.
Maybe even home if enough towns do it.
Good luck pecos.
Your pal
The food retailers will be thrilled to rake in more money.
I spent years in Pecos. (Pay-cuss for the benefit of non-natives) You gonna have hell, there my friend.
There’s an old saying: “Demographics is destiny”. Y’all remember when “La Raza” and the Reconquista were in the news?
Texas used to look like a possible destination state for relocation. No longer.
Ain’t no place I’d want to live that isn’t a destination, or very close to one.
yeah, you right about most people have no idea what is coming.
some of us do. again, I did fair bit of looking before coming to live here.
for one thing, there are a LOT of vets up here. and most of them are all ex combat arms types too. remember how I told people it is looking to get right sporty by the end of summer here ? anyway, they not going to stay in hotels forever. no.
they will be looking to find places to settle down. they are over 80% male too ?
guess what ? yup. plan on rape going thru the roof by summer. and you better plan on them being armed as well. it is one of the FIRST things they will do is to get armed. and they not going to worry about the cops either.
just remember one small thing. any fight with one or more of them will be to the death. we going to need a backhoe or find a friend with one.
there are a lot of state game lands around here. plenty of places to “drop” off some problem to let the critters take care of. just saying of course.
I likely DO have enough ammo.
And I AM prepared to deal with it. And I own a woodchipper and backhoe.
My moral behavior is only for those who are a part of the society that I choose to live in. If yer not part of that society, what with the rules and behavior that make it work, then I don’t have to behave. I won’t. the gloves come off when there is no rule of law. It protects them more than me….You do not want to be one of the “Others” when that happens….
You won’t like how that ends. I can be overwhelmed, but it’s gonna be messy for the attackers.
Always did like you for some reason. Now I know why.
Only cuz’ he got himself a woodchipper and a backhoe, had he has a fronthoe I might be interested in liking him…
fronthoe… that would be an excavator? 😉
In CederQ’s case, a Working Woman out front.
ammo tends to go a lot faster than most people expect it.
just look at all of the cops who think they only fired 3-4 rounds when the slide is locked back on a empty magazine.
way back in the day, we where taught to COUNT our rounds and the last 3 in every magazine where tracers. so you would know to get your ass behind cover and change magazines.
full auto is 9 times out of ten, a waste of ammo. semi and slow aimed fire is the way to go. A co.1/503 PIR a long time ago.
Since I love wheel guns, I have taught myself look look shoot (if time permits, of course).
Having a laser helps. I check and change my batteries once a year. Just because.
Remember the first rule of prep club.
And yeah, they might get to me, but they will have to climb over two piles. First a pile of bodies, second a pile of spent brass.
Ha, my new best friend, Derq take a hike.
Pretty fickle there Bear Claw, any new shiny baubles and woodchippers and backhoes does it for ya huh?
“Derq”- ya killin’ me!
Good to have known all of ya.
You best be getting out of the area you live in Grog, the little wetbacks will be heading there riki tiki…
Seconded, Grog. North Idaho is pretty this time of year.
It may be wishful thinking on my part but,
The snow only went away last week, it is cold, grey and windy.
I’m thinking Hondurans and other sunny weather loving tribes won’t be staying in Canada very long if they can help it.
Sorry bout texas guys.
Your pal
I’m in AB and the next town over has already seen some showing up. They were looking for spanish translators to volunteer at the food bank last month. I’ve see them wandering around the walmart and other stores there, 6 guys all in their 20’s wandering around and staring creepily at underage girls and women. They showed up when it was still -20 out.
Don’t think for a MINUTE that cold weather will stop these people! I was stationed in Kodiak, AK in the Coast Guard. I was ASTOUNDED by how many Mexicans were working in the canneries up there! Of course, back then the Border Patrol was more than a league of Wal Mart greeters. Those green vans would show up at a cannery and that place would evacuate quicker than a wet fart in a windstorm! That was then, though…
Just makes them easier to see contrasted to the ice and snow…
Same here in Wyoming. Jackson (which most of us don’t consider part of real Wyoming) looks like downtown Tijuana.
Heh. The bad news just keeps rolling in (literally) does it not? I weep for the future of my three year old White, Christian, male grandson. And his brother that is due in July. And I would give my last prep and my last breath to protect those babies. And I will. Never fuck with a grandma bear! Still using the whistle pigs in the back yard as target practice, although I would prefer to drink Whistle Pig, but who can afford that?! Praying for all at Phil nation. And adios, in the new language of the U.S.
Praying for you Phil, hope you are feeling better.
Cheer up Sandy, we great Americans have taken care of business when the time came for over 247 years. We are just a patient people till there’s nothing left to lose.
Sounds like you’re ready to be the next Samuel Whittmore.
Every time I go to my local grocery store I think I’ve just entered the U.N. building in NYFC. Between the unintelligible gobbledygook being spoken, the brand new clothes, free SNAP cards that we’re paying for or wads, and I mean WADS of cash, it’s an effing nightmare in broad daylight. On the cash, I regularly see people, mostly woman with S. American accents or just speaking Spanish, pulling rolls of 50’s and hundreds out of their purse’s or pockets, stripping off a few bills to pay for their groceries. Their carts are pilled high, so they’re not just buying for themselves. I doubt it’s more than week’s worth, as it’s mostly fresh stuff. A lot of the cashiers and shelf stockers are now from somewhere south, as in 1000’s of miles south.
Mexicans HATE banks. They do most of their business in cash.
I pre dug some holes already. Like zombies, many from tropical climes don’t do well in the minuses so I have that as an buffer. At this point I’m on full swivel when I go into town and can see the rot happening in real time…the indigenous homeless will soon be at loggerheads with these new entrants. I am comfortable in all the seasons of the GWN, but prefer the cover and concealment rainforest provides. Our politicians are cunts.
…That’s not being fair to the cunts, as once in a while those are desirable!
Folks, we CRASHED Anheuser-Busch by just saying “HELL, NO!” What’s stopping us with this situation??? Bigger problem, but the same solution!
Big problem with immigration since 1965: the law changed and we started letting people in who did not want to become Americans. The culture differences we have seen are big. No one wants to become an American. American culture is going down the drain. People come here to get on the tit. They do not care one whit about being “American”>
If you see THEM out an about and are not harassing and telling THEM to go back you haven’t donne quite enough for the day…
Just like with Blaq lives (don’t) Matter, ANY attempt at Self-Defense will be PERSECUTED most Viciously by the ‘government’. It is ‘government’ that is the Treasonous ENEMY of the Republic and its Citizens. Anyone who still believes in “Bbbut there are Still some ‘Good Cops’ out there” is an Idiot- the Videos of so-called “Border Patrol” aiding and abetting the Invading Aliens proves my point.
Something that Nobody has mentioned (or even understands) is that if YOU are carrying a “Cell Phone”, especially one that is ‘5-G’ capable, it WILL register Gunshots, as well as Locate you and When you did. The Traitors are giving every Invader a Phone- so if you have to Defend Yourself, both Phones will have an Identical Location.
I invoke Irish Democracy:
* I refuse to look away from illegals.
* I refuse to allow illegals into my check-out line.
* I refuse to hire illegals.
* I refuse to acknowledge their place in line at the DMV or hospital.
* I refuse to support the bumblebrats supporting the illegals.