15 thoughts on “Yeah, the silly season is upon us… hell help us.

  1. He is one of the worst actors in the last 30 years, because of his 8 year old mentality while in character, but maybe that’s just me.

    • No, Grog – it isn’t just you.
      I absolutely refuse to watch ANYTHING he is in.
      It would be fair to say I despise him.

      Whitehall, NY

          • yeah, never saw much of anything with his ass in it. too hard to watch. and people say he is the best or wonderful or some shit ?
            never saw much of SNL as I was always working or some shit going on. when people talk about TV shows or movies from the 70/80/90’s I just don’t know as I never spent the time to watch such shit. and anymore I just watch histories or older movies, some newer ones here and there.

  2. Can’t stand him ever since the ghey cheerleading skit on SNL. That’s when I quit watching SNL

  3. Yet he is lauded in the MSM, Hollywierd trade rags and by his fellow actors and actresses as “ground breaking”. He has made millions portraying characters that are just plain stupid, reflecting the general demise of what average imbeciles in this country think is funny.

  4. I’m guessing I’ve seen what amounts to maybe 1/3 of the movie over the years…And had no intentions of watching even that much.

  5. The very face of irrelevant, no-talent, worthless, low-life, sack-o-crap, hellywood pedo-dipshit-ness. Will Ferrell. What a turd.

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