8 thoughts on “Ya think Phil uses this?

  1. And the lubricant spray that goes with it is called “Shift, Ya Bastard!” found in Aussie car parts stores, across the country

  2. It’s good stuff, better than other spray-starters. Cederq should try some in his coffee every morning, or just ‘chrome’ it from a plastic bag.
    All the supermarkets and convenience stores lock up certain spray deodorants now, to stop the black kids stealing them to chrome, or inhale to get high. They can buy them, but have to show cash first. Car rental outfits won’t supply 4WD petrol vehicles anymore, only Diesel, for if you go near an Aboriginal community the kids lay on the road to make you stop or just spear your tyres, scoot under the vehicle and hole your fuel tank to get free petrol to sniff.
    It destroys their brains, literally, but they get a buzz for hours so they don’t care. They certainly don’t concern themselves about damage to your property, or ruining your holiday, after all, the whitefella provides everything else for free. The gubmint employs their parents or grandparents as full time carers for the young, who must be pushed around in fat-tyred wheelchairs due to the unsealed roads.
    See Cederq, your daily drug abuse put me onto this topic of black kids walking around like FJB, until they aren’t even that mentality capable!

  3. Found at finer retailers everywhere. Next to “Shit B’ Gone”. Money quote “If you got shit to get rid of just a little spray and it be gone, if it comes back, spray it uh-ginnn.”

  4. 25% ether?
    Kind of weak sauce for what I’m used to.
    We use nothing but 80% ether at The Farm.
    Lower concentrations don’t work worth a damn.

    Whitehall, NY

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