8 thoughts on “Would wonders ever cease?

  1. Yes, and if all Men’s Bible Study taught men to love, honor, and cherish their wife and protect her against everything, because she is the most important person in his life besides God.

    So there.

  2. “How to dress modestly” I have seen girls wearing things at church that would have raised an eyebrow at a bar back in my day. Goes hand in hand with the whole “I am a still a virgin because I only do anal and oral” argument.

  3. Just did…..and hey presto, we’ve just set womens rights back 2,000 years!

    Give it another 1900 years and they’ll be asking to be treated as equals and given the right to vote, go to work, and be seen as something other than chattel or baby-making machines!

    • What the Bible teaches is there are jobs for men and jobs for women and women as the bearer of children need to be sheltered from other men and keep the house and hearth clean while the man works himself to death.

      The Bible is based on an agrarian society where everyone, men, women, children, old and young, all work themselves hard.

      Keeping a house and garden clean in a pre-industrial society is a full-time job, not muscle-intensive but long-repetitive-chore-intensive.

      Go anywhere outside the city where people live on the edge and you’ll see people returning to traditional ‘sexist’ roles. Yes, women can chop wood and do ‘man’s work’ but most are not able to do it as well as a man of equal weight and size (because it has to do with muscle density, bone density and the whole physiology thing – think ‘birthing hips.’)

      And, really, is there something wrong with a more traditional family structure? Is there something wrong with one parent staying home and taking care of the house and the children? Think of all the money one can save by not sending children to daycare and school and all the other activities and by not hiring a cleaning service and a yard service and not buying already-made food but instead cooking it at home.

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