World War III, Biden Financing Both Sides Of The Israel/Hamas Conflict, Ukraine’s Bottomless Pit Of Graft And Whatever Is On Your Mind OPEN THREAD

CederQ was talking to reader Greg and Greg requested an Open Thread to discuss the current state of constant U.S. Warmongering.

I for one, am dumbfounded at the amounts of money FJB keeps pledging to everyone but United States Citizens to make all this unnecessary death and destruction possible.

Using general numbers without bothering to put up links, let’s just say that there are about 150 million working people in the United States who pay taxes.

Half of those are slaving away at minimum wage jobs, some two or more at a time.

I couldn’t even give you a wild ass guess as to how much money FJB has already given Ukraine to wage a proxy war against Russia but I know it’s Billions.

Many many Billions.

Now he is talking about a Hundred Billion for Israel and several hundred million for HAMAS, for “Humanitarian Reasons”.

Just where is all that “Money” actually coming from?

Our Great, Great Grandchildren at this point.

That Pinhead Janet Yellen said that we can absolutely afford to fight two wars at the same time.

Bitch please, we can’t even afford to fix the potholes in our roads right now as it is.

Food, rent, utilities, every one of us are getting our asses kicked just trying to keep a roof over our heads and food in our bellies.

The thing about all this throwing money we don’t have around is, is that every single one of us knows that absolutely giant sums of it are being skimmed right off the top for graft and kickbacks and very little of it actually gets used for it’s supposed intended purpose.

This state of constant war is the usual Bankers financing both sides to make money and to keep us distracted from the very long list of alleged criminal activity that has been getting exposed.

That list is very, very long at this point and so is the list of crooked politicians benefitting from it.

In the mean time, thousands of people are being maimed and killed as a result of all of this fuckery and they are the ones paying the ultimate bill for it.

Our Great Great Grandchildren have already been sold down the river before they are even a gleam in their Daddy’s eye.

At this point I’m going to step off the soap box and open it up for you guys to express your opinions.

Have at it, while you still can.

48 thoughts on “World War III, Biden Financing Both Sides Of The Israel/Hamas Conflict, Ukraine’s Bottomless Pit Of Graft And Whatever Is On Your Mind OPEN THREAD

  1. Be of good cheer. Sooner, rather than later, Atlas will shrug. I refuse to whine, rage and whimper about things I cannot control. Keep safe. Keep prepping. Stay vigilant.
    Bleib ubrig.

  2. What I was discussing with Cederq was the enormous exercise in normalcy bias that I just had the last couple weeks. We flew cross country, Oregon to Arkansas, to visit our daughter and her family. And she’s a grandma times two which makes us really old coots. We went to the farmer’s market in Bentonville, capped with a fairly brief run through a Sam’s Club. Everywhere were crowds of people, Mr. and Mrs. Normicon, utterly and completely oblivious to what we news junkies are sweating over in both the media, and our alt-media. Other than price inflation, there is no sign whatsoever that anything is cruising to a collapse at warp speed. I saw gas in Siloam Springs for $2.99 unleaded.
    Flying in and out of Denver, when we taxied out for takeoff, we got in line with about 15-20 planes ahead of us doing a slow elephant walk down the taxiway. When we got to the front of the line and turned toward the runway for takeoff, I could see that behind us were another 20 or so planes following us. The scale of that operation is amazing. And yes, we flew back on Jihad Friday the 13th. Like I said, normalcy bias from one end to the other.
    Here in our corner of flyover country of the Oregon Outback, our gas is down this week to $4.69. But I scored sale coupons at Safeway, pork chops for $0.97/lb, and chicken thighs/drums for $0.87/lb. I don’t see how that pays for the cut/wrap, let alone the product, but if it’s a loss leader to get people into the store, I’m happy to participate. I am running out of freezer space and pantry shelf space.

    • Oh, they’re frightened. It’s just that their instinctive response is “head in sand.”

  3. Jeezus. Gas at 4.69? Right now it’s under $3 here – varies even just driving up the main drag.

    My income is just barely enough to keep me going, and there’s all this money flowing out, not just in foreign aid, but did you see the story about $9000 subsidy for migrants in Chicago? IIRC, some of that is coming from federal grants. I could sure use that. Pay off the CC and get some car repairs done. Heinlein wrote there ain’t no free lunch, but they’re getting it, and we’re paying for it, and that shit ought to come to a screeching halt. Oh, it will, eventually.

    Meanwhile, locally, the loonies in government just keep pushing Colorado further left. “Green” stuff, mostly, and some sleight of hand with a ballot proposal that’ll hurt my budget, and trades some short term benefits for some, for a tax hike later on.

    I continue to wonder how I could manage to un-ass the area. But there isn’t a state in the Union where there isn’t fuckery afoot.

  4. Financing the PLO or Hamas is the height of idiocy.

    Helping Ukraine is a good thing, unless you want Russia in a position to be able upset the international order that all of us have been beneficiaries of. If upset, out costs will increase a lot. The defense budget will have to at least double, simply to hold Putin back on the west side of Ukraine. China will also take advantage of it as well. If you actually think we can withdraw into our shell and all be well, you being naĂŻve.

    • Best example of “reducto ad absurdum” I have ever seen. The world order you are referencing collapsed in 1991 – over three decades ago. But keep after that chicken.

    • Ukraine is laundering the cash and selling the weapons. We are just lining politicians pockets and arming people you don’t want armed.

      • Absolutely true. Putin ain’t no prince, but he IS doing what is right for his people, his country. That deviant dictator of the Ukraine is simply enriching himself at the cost of the lives of many thousands of his citizens – sent out with an AK, a few mags of ammo, and ZERO training.

    • Sorry Quartermaster. I generally tend to agree with you, but the 1950’s America is gone.

      We’ve fallen to internal traitors. Russia didn’t do it, WE did it.

      Nothing new under the sun, Empires DIE mostly from inside as this quote reveals:

      A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself.
      Marcus Tullius Cicero

      Our enemies are in the District of Criminals and surrounding agencies. When MAGA is a Terrorist organization and Hammas supporters protesting inside CONgress(spelling intentional) isn’t…well….

  5. Fifty years ago it was young left wingers with drug-addled brains who opposed the war, hated the FBI and had a fondness for Mother Russia.
    Today it’s old right wingers, hopped up on conspiracy theories, who are anti-war, hate the FBI and love them some Putin.
    Don’t know how to process this.

  6. I’m done trying to make people see the lies the government has been spreading forever. People in this country are just too fucking stupid.
    If you can’t see that everything the government and their media says is pure unadulterated bullshit, it’s not worth my time to try and explain it to you. You won’t see the truth until it sits it’s ass on your face.
    Look within. Russia isn’t upsetting the global order. We are. There are more communists in DC than the rest of the world combined. We started Ukraine, in 2014. We started all of these wars. Do a little research.
    The rest of the planet, almost 90% of the worlds population, have recently realised they do not need us in order to be prosperous. We’re on the way out. Proms over, no one gives a shit about the US anymore, and they’re definitely not afraid of us.

    • yup. think about the clowns at State and the Clowns In Action people
      are behind most of this shit. and where do most of them come from ? a handful of collages on the east coast. it all about money and power to them. you really think most countries in the world want
      lbqt whatever there ? no. they don’t. they not insane like the clowns are here, or rather DC.
      hate to say this, but we have not being the “good guys” in a long time now. as they say, no one is coming to help us. we are on our own here. I think it might come to a civil war with normal people against everyone else soon. figure it to get right sporty here soon.

      • +1 to Don’t mind me and dave. So many people have sucked down the Kool-Aid, thinking the Ukraine is righteous, and that anyone disagreeing is wrong. Well, they’ve got Facebook to pat each other on the back with, congratulating each other on how bright they think they are, while they can’t even see the trees,. let alone the forest.
        The State Department has ALWAYS been an old boys club of people who believe they know what is better for us and the rest of the world, raised by wealthy, connected families who are all members of the CFR (it’s a family affair – I’ve known several of them) and have been socialists since the Fabians first got together.
        Wealth by itself is not bad, but when it is wielded as a weapon by insane pedophiles like Gates, Epstein (with his Christians in Action connections), Soros, etc., it can destroy a country, a culture. The WEF is a symptom, not necessarily the disease itself, but they are telegraphing the plans of the elites for us – they’ll own everything, and we’ll eat shite – and bugs.
        I’m thinking civil war may be the only way to recover our country from these crap-masters. I’m too old to run-and-gun, but I’d do a decent job at point defense.

        • yup. to find out more, look up the Dulles brothers.
          they where bastards before WW2 and after , they got worse. and the CFR can rot in hell for all that they have done. along with a couple dozen other “think tanks” on the east coast.
          as I have said. we have not been the good guys in a long time when you look at it.
          the media has had a lot to do with that as well.
          most of them need to be taken out and shot in the face on live TV.

  7. *shrug*

    They keep doing what they do, and will continue to sink to new lows, because they know we won’t do jack shit about it, and the main reason we won’t do jack shit about it is because not enough of us want to compromise our level of comfort.

    That’s the bottom line. We deserve what we tolerate.

    • JL, sorry, but it always pushes my buttons when someone says I “deserve” what we’ve got because *whatever*. My rights don’t stop because too many people are on Facebook and Twitter, walking around with their noses buried in their “smart” phones.
      Ask the innocent Jan 6 guy who has spent 1000 days incarcerated without trial, but WITH cruel and unusual punishment if HE deserved what he got. He protested, got Swatted and arrested, and has been abused like a red-headed step-child.
      You are right that there aren’t enough of us to make a difference just yet, but that doesn’t mean WE deserve it.

      • Okay Reg. Fair enough.

        Then this begs the question: what the hell did YOU do to stop any of this?

        Better question: what COULD you have done to prevent any of this, if anything was at all possible? Seriously, be honest with yourself.

        Maybe YOU, I, and everyone else like us *may* have lived differently up until now (I seriously doubt it, though). But regardless, we live in a society with other people who had the freedom to not prioritize what was important. We, as a society, are paying the price for it. You might not like it, but that’s too bad. Nobody’s supposed to like a shit sandwich – that’s why it’s a shit sandwich.

        As for the J6 guy? In a way, yes he did get what he deserved. It was a goddamn buffalo jump. You’re dealing with people who stole a presidency by cheating in an election. What did you think was gonna happen?! Did you really think these people were going to play fair? Abide by the rules?

        Don’t be so fucking stupid. If not enough people don’t have the requisite amount of balls to do what is necessary, well….like I said in my initial point (which clearly went right over your head), then you deserve what you get. Because as J6 guy is learning the hard way, the oppo DOES have the balls to deal with the likes of their oppo.

        • This is when it will happen, not enough of them yet

          “The most terrifying force of death comes from the hands of Men who wanted to be left Alone. They try, so very hard, to mind their own business and provide for themselves and those they love. They resist every impulse to fight back, knowing the forced and permanent change of life that will come from it. They know that the moment they fight back, their lives as they have lived them, are over. The moment the Men who wanted to be left alone are forced to fight back, it is a form of suicide. They are literally killing off who they used to be. Which is why, when forced to take up violence, these Men who wanted to be left alone, fight with unholy vengeance against those who murdered their former lives. They fight with raw hate, and a drive that cannot be fathomed by those who are merely play-acting at politics and terror. TRUE TERROR will arrive at these people’s door, and they will cry, scream, and beg for mercy… but it will fall upon the deaf ears of the Men who just wanted to be left alone.”

  8. well. it does look like we going to be doing the Weimar republic 2.0 here in real time soon. and to think after WW2 we where the richest one in the world. hands down
    we where. why is that ? anyway, most people lost their homes to back taxes in the 1930’s. to bankers and assholes in office. also people knew how to grow food themselves too back then. not much hope of that today. most people are beyond stupid and just stare at their phones.
    and we are still armed. that might be a problem for the bankers. but they can always call on the sheriff to handle tossing people out.
    and then there is the problem of the illegals. they will break this country.
    they are already costing us billions each year. and it only going to go up until it breaks everything. besides getting a lot of people sick with all the crap they have. and then they start taking what they used to get of free.
    and you still think we going to last till next year to have a “election ” ??
    I not so sure myself. I am a lot more worried about local do-gooders coming to collect what food I have on hand for “the good of everyone” kind of shit.
    now I do hope we can still vote our way out of this mess. but then I remember 2020 and how fake/fixed it was. the only good part of all of this shit is that people are starting to see the house is on fire. but I not sure we will be able to stop it.

    • Dave in Pa strong families worked together to survive the Great Depression.

      In my family diaries they had to decide what homes were BEST TO SAVE (good well, garden, etc.) and let the rest fall to the Bankers on the Courthouse steps PROTECTED by Sheriffs.

      The FEW Jobs that paid real money paid the taxes and debts FIRST. In my family we had a few railroad workers so that was a major blessing.

      Memo ALWAYS have the coin of the realm to pay Taxes and Debt. They will not accept a half a hog for it. Nor will others have the coin of the realm to BUY that half hog.

      There is a REASON that those murderous folks like Bonnie and Clyde were seen as Heros (They never gave a dime to folks) as they were sticking it to the MAN.

      Grandparents watched kids AND the HOME as theft was a real problem. Everybody worked, even the kids did chores for others for eggs and berry picking and fishing was fun.

      Multifamily homes survived, even prospered in the Great Depression. Weak families had abandoned their wives and kids to go on the road as per the Grapes of Wrath (pretty accurate BTW).

      Military records of the enlistments for WW2 show how many FAILED the exams due to Malnutrition (no teeth and such).

      Most of what we know about the Great Depression is sugary Bullshit. It was hard and often nasty.

      But soon enough we will see it in real time. Just add in “Mostly Peaceful Rioters” and worse.

    • Dave, if you haven’t already read about the Cloward-Piven Strategy, look it up (you probably won’t find it on google, though). The intent is to crash the economy, forcing the majority of the country on welfare, or into a FEMA camp. You won’t have to worry about do-gooders asking for your food and other necessities – Executive orders written by numerous presidents have given FEMA authority in any emergency that .gov declares to take anything and everything you have for the “general good” (yes, the old commie philosophy).
      Some folks plan to douse their preps in diesel and set it on fire before that happens, going out on their feet, not submitting on their (hands and) knees.

      • I know about the “plan” to crash the country. also my parents lived the 1930’s and dad was honest about it.
        anyway, I also have a plans in place for when things get bad.
        also I know how cheap life can be. used to hump a M60 with the 101st back when I was young and dumb.
        just never thought it would happen here though. remember this. your mindset will get you thru it. a lot of people are not going to “make it ” just don’t let them drag you down too.

    • Answer for all of the total disregard for our border security is:
      Cloward Piven
      The Cloward–Piven strategy was developed in 1966 by Americans Richard Cloward and Frances Fox Piven – both sociologists and political activists. The Cloward–Piven strategy focused on overloading the United States public welfare system in order to precipitate a crisis, which would ultimately lead to replacing the welfare system with a national system of “a guaranteed annual income and thus an end to poverty”.

      An ancillary consequence of the strategy includes shoring up of the Democratic Party, which at the time was splintered by pluralistic interests. Another side effect would be relieving local and state governments of public welfare burdens, since the burden would be shifted to the federal government – in other words, in a manifestation of socialism. Taxpayers, of course, would cover the cost in either case.

      Cloward and Piven focused primarily on redistribution of income, stating that full enrollment in welfare programs:

    • we where. why is that ? anyway, most people lost their homes to back taxes in the 1930’s. to bankers and assholes in office. also people knew how to grow food themselves too back then. not much hope of that today. most people are beyond stupid and just stare at their phones.
      Another factor is we still had all of our infrastructure intact, no land battles fought in our country. The Atlantic and Pacific oceans make incredible border buffer zones, in the days of limited air travel. Nowadays not so much, when a single middle can direct non stop from the Barent sea to almost anywhere on the globe.

  9. Gas is 4.75 for 89 octan. Higher in a lot of other cities I drive through in the Central Valley of mexafornia. Some are still at the high 6 dollars per gallon.
    If you can, get out of this state of mexafornia.
    Not good here anymore unless you make half a million or more a year in this state.

  10. Just stop the merry go round and let me off already. I have no words for the cluster fuck our nation is endearing. Meanwhile, china sits back and smirks as we and NATO deplete our munitions and defensives. Sitting ducks we are. Might want to learn mandarin…

  11. Just call it war, not terror. Parachutes were pretty sneaky. I give them credit for that. We made war with the Indians for 400 years. Afghan’s are not the only ones with time to kill.
    Me, I have tried to buy everything I need the rest of my life and I started smoking my pipe again. No taxes on pipe tobacco.

    I also push back on “friends and family” I tell them Trump is my asshole and I wipe it daily.


  12. It does seem like everyone is enjoying the band on the Titanic.
    On the surface all looks good but my gut feeling is we are going to see an
    exponential increase in the downfall trajectory as we head into 2024.

  13. Next time you see Antony Blinken standing behind Biden, look into Blinken’s eyes and observe the fear in them. He knows what they’ve started and he knows they can’t stop it. Wait’ll Taiwan is on the menu, it’ll be the Biden trifecta of fail.

    As always, watch your six & avoid crowds.

  14. Oh look squirrel.

    10 year treasury has hit multiple 52 week highs lately, and it is October. May be time to top off the larder and sort ammo.

  15. Get right with God, be thankful and content with your burden as this realm is fleeting.

  16. There is a complete disconnect between the leaders in DC and the majority of the nation. Worse yet, the people we elect who promise to fight the system end up either being bought off (see Dan Crenshaw) or simply driven out of office. We are no longer the owners of this nation. We are merely peasants who provide what the monarchy in DC demands we do. Even worse, our kids are the ones fighting to protect them and not us directly.

    As a group we are well armed and prepared but our problem is we are not organized at all and when the time comes to confront the tyranny in our governments we will be scattered and will find it hard to coordinate in any effective way. This is not what our founders intended. It is what our tyrants in power have created. We are monitored and observed constantly and anyone who seems to be getting things together and trying to create any worthwhile opposition are taken out as ‘an insurrectionist’ before they can get past a certain point.

    At some time we will need to go dark. No longer use electronic means of communication. Word of mouth. Just as Pearl Harbor was planned in secret or ‘In a briefcase’ where no transmissions of any kind were allowed we will need to resort to such tactics to allow us to organize. This is essential because it does not matter how frustrated we get and how angry, if we act in small groups or individually we will be destroyed.

    • Don’t organize now. Period. It gives them an organization to villify, prosecute and destroy.
      We are much more of a threat as a loose association; they don’t know who to attack and they can’t attack all of us at once so they fear us. They might make an example of one or two, but there are millions like us.
      Work on your local area of influence. Figure out who the good and the bad people are that surround you.
      When everything goes tits up, that is the time to organize.

      • This ^

        One of the main reasons groups like Al-Qaeda and ISIS were such a pain in the ass to deal with during the GWOT is because they were not centralized and therefore very difficult to track by the .mil/intel/LEO apparatuses. They also tended towards low tech/no tech operations and strategies, which also made them hard to deal with.

        What the west came to realize is that they are no better at dealing with counter-insurgency/counter-terrorism operations than they were when they first started dealing with that thing on a wide scale basis during Vietnam. As TPTB continues to drive on towards high tech solutions, their ability to effectively mitigate and deal with low tech/no tech diminishes.

        The moral of the story? If they’re gonna treat you like an insurgent/terrorist, consider thinking like one, in a sense.

  17. It seems we are at, or should be at a major inflection point.
    We have stolen elections.
    We have taxation without representation.
    We have proven blatant criminals in high positions.
    We have wholesale spying on and persecution of our own citizens.
    We have an unconstitutional private bank that controls our financial condition to the detriment of the citizens and the benefit of the ultra wealthy.
    We have parents endorsing perversion and mutilation of their, and other’s, children.
    We steal money from our own citizens under threat of violence to finance world conflicts to the benefit of of the MIC, and old and repeating story.
    Our government endorses racism against whites.
    We have cognitively impaired old man appointed as the president and half the country still smiles and supports it.
    We have people elected to congress that are actively subversive to the United States.
    We have wholesale attacks on the second amendment, and we watch it continue.
    The Patriot Act stripped the Constitution and most people just went along it.
    We have horribly deficient infrastructure throughout the country.
    We have perverted “justice system” that is constantly manipulated as a weapon against those that disagree with the destruction of this country.
    We have blatant censorship with corporations/tech happily doing the dirty work for the government.
    Borders wide open to criminals and people that hate us, then we pay them to be here.
    At least half the country has no concept of God.
    We have a Federal Government that has far exceeded anything it was ever meant to be resulting in tyranny.
    We are a failed state by nearly every criteria. All that is left is a choice between complete acquiescence or rising up and kicking the shit out of the bastards responsible. I sadly am not sure we have a society that has what it takes for the latter.

  18. I hope someone lights the fuckin’ match soon.
    It’s time to thin commies out and fuck shit up.

  19. In 1961 President Eisenhower, former commanding general of all European forces in WWII, warned against trusting the industrial military complex. His warning was ignored and the result is what we face today.

    • When he first penned that speech, he labeled it the “Military Industrial Congress” and then changed it.

  20. Anytime we watch the news or the swamp creatures nowadays, we can all rest assured that it’s merely performance theater. It’s like watching David Copperfield…ignore the left hand and watch the right one.
    The “sudden” unrest in the middle east is just as carefully planned and mapped out as the covid “epidemic ” was. This entire “crisis ” and the ensuing domestic attacks will merely be used to subvert the next election, just as they did the last one . I pray that I’m wrong, but we’ve all seen their playbook . And human life has never stood in the way of their quest for power.
    So don’t be fooled by the smoke and mirrors, my friend, keep your head on a swivel and keep your powder dry.

  21. Something sounds ‘fishy’ here.
    Are you certain debt can be inherited?
    Who made that rule.
    Who benefits, follow the money.

  22. >the usual Bankers financing both sides
    You meant to say “politicians”. They wrote all of the laws that the bankers either follow, or go to prison for not following.
    If a banker has a moral crisis, the job will go to the next bank in line. It’ll go all the way to Joe’s Bank in Podunk, Kansas if it has to. There will always be someone who’ll say, “if I don’t do it, someone else will”.
    Every social, econonic, ethnic, etc. problem we have, every one of them, is caused by politicians.
    But pols are necessary, so how about term limits, and post-office media and lobbying restrictions?

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