17 thoughts on “Word!

  1. funny thing, I remember in history class learning about how long it took to come up with a safe vaccine . I mean we where told about them, small pox and others and how they changed the world. the thing is NO ONE ever came up with one inside of a year. and the rush thru trials shit ? fuck that shit !
    here another thing, they make and give out flu shots that never work every year.
    and there no record of them really working well.
    the main thing that lit up for me was the homeless where doing just fine.
    if this shit was a bad as they said it was, we wouldn’t have a homeless problem anymore. but here they are, just as many as before if not more so.
    I tried to tell everyone I knew not to take the damn shot. it look to me like a bad flu bug and it still does. lots of people die of the flu every year.
    and as far as the “news” goes, I haven’t trusted anything they said since 1973
    last tv was over 25 years ago. my blood pressure is a lot better now a days too.
    and after the dept of education was started we have a much dumber country now than ever before. it only now that people are starting to wake up to this shit show. and people wonder why gun sales are higher than ever ?
    going to get right sporty here soon when the music stops and there are no chairs at all. get what you can while there still time, as it is running out.

    • 1) The flu shot effectiveness varies. One year was 95% effective. Another was 15%. One year, the whole batch got ruined, and there was no flu shot. its effectiveness is literally a function of how well they guess which way the flu will mutate. There are hundreds and hundreds of mutations each year. There is plenty of record of the shots working well. In some years. Not in every year.
      2) The worst death rate for coronavirus ever recorded was 5%. this was never going to “wipe out the homeless”. 95% or better were always going to be fine. If you thought otherwise, you were wildly misinformed.
      3) The death rate from annual flu is 0.1%. With COVID (original recipe) it hit about 3% at the worst, and 1.6% on average. That means COVID was 16 to 30 times worse than the flu.
      In short, you’re making health care decisions based on wild guesses way beyond your depth. Sorry, but there it is.

      But you lucked out anyways, because the vaxx is purely poison, and doesn’t work. And everyone who got is is a beta-tester.

      You are also correct that an actual vaccine takes a lot longer than a year to develop, which is why we still don’t have one for COVID. Which has now mutated all by itself to something a lot closer to the death rate of annual flu, making further boosters with an unsafe vaxx wholly unnecessary, and mostly retarded.

      May the odds ever be in your favor.

      • well, I got one flu shot in my life, and ended up sick as a dog for 2 weeks afterwards. so never again.
        about the homeless, they have no healthcare to speak of.
        god know what they eat everyday, and just a poor outlook
        health wise. if this was the killer bug, there a good chance they be dropping like flies- they did not.
        old folks in homes are just a set up for any bug that comes
        along. and then there all the we don’t know shit about the chink bug at first. they where lying about everything.
        then the evil little fuck- I remember the 1980’s and all the shit he pulled with the aids shit show. the whole we all going to die shit. didn’t trust him then and I sure don’t today
        like anyone else, make you own call about any shots you want or don’t want to get.
        not a fan of fear porn. and anytime they push anything that hard I always ask myself why?
        like in anything else in life, do what you want to

    • Have you even been paying attention at all, cupcake? Pull your head outta your nether regions and get correct information from some other source than the Lamestream Media.

      Oh, and go spew somewhere else.

      • Ain’t spewin’. Just askin’. Any specific evidence? I’d like to be able to share with friends and coworkers.

        • gnat, with all the information out on the web, both pro and con, studies and White Papers galore you are asking me for “specific evidence.” Those are weasel words used by those left of Sylvester Stallone… Do your own research, if you can type and comprehend a computer screen, then you can gather all the evidence your heart desires to share with friends and coworkers. I am lazy, and it appears you are too. From my education and skills I know how to access the pertinent databases and comprehend advanced medical studies and reports. But enough is out there to satisfy even a high school graduate if he sits down with a dictionary and a medical dictionary to make some kind of “Informed Decision.” I certainly don’t want to waste my time gathering enough “evidence” to convince even the Bidet Biden and present it to you and then be scoffed at and told it is all Right propaganda and heresy… It seems telling you want to share with friends and coworkers, not family? I myself would be more concerned with my family first, friends second and coworkers way down on the list.

          • Since you can “comprehend advanced medical studies and reports” you should do a review of the literature. You won’t find any ‘real’ (peer-reviewed scientific) research that shows any problem with the mrna vaccine that affects more than a relative handful of people.

            That said, my non-scientific research tells me there are a shitload of serious problems with the vaccine including, but not limited to, contamination with Satan’s DNA, Bill Gates’ 5G micro transmitters, and that my penis will fall off very soon. Damn!

            • gnat, there are peer reviewed studies of the mRNA inoculate and most if not all have been squashed and medical journals refuse to publish them. Scientists and doctors have been fired and censured by universities and by government decrees. It doesn’t fit the narrative and the aims of the New World Order and those that will be the leaders. All the DNA, 5G electronics, graphine, toxins, adjutants and Ebola, HPV(AIDS) viral fragments that are present in the inoculate is pure poison and I agree with you, thou, your penis falling off would be more concerning if you had the Black Clap from Asia, that would in fact causes it to wither and turn gangrenous and fall off…

              • Thanks. I’ll bet you can find all those ‘squashed’ peer-reviewed studies on Hunter Biden’s laptop.
                Or perhaps the dog ate them.

  2. As soon as the “vaccine” became available, I knew that I would be doing the wait and see thing. Now that I know that it’s poison, I’m never having anything to do with it and I will probably never allow my doctor to inject me with anything ever again.

    I wish I had shared my opinions with my kids though. They’re adults and they make their own decisions, but I still feel like I failed them on this one.

  3. Worst cases of the flu I ever had were after flu shots when I was younger. Do they honestly think I’d get stuck for that Kung Flu bullshit too?
    Dream on, government shitballs.

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