7 thoughts on “Why we won’t let Johno have posting privileges…

    • Yes, but all states and territories now require that you are a licenced gun owner, or in the case of primary producers ( farmers, fishers), are employed by a licenced individual.
      They also differentiate between rimfire (Category A) and centrefire (Cat. B) rifles.
      Lever action shotguns are Cat. A firearms. These include not only copies of the Winchester 1889 L/A shotgun, but also adaptations of semi-auto designs to use a manually operated lever to cycle the bolt carrier, the gas/inertia/recall operating system either rendered inoperable or never fitted in the first place. This is one work-around method by which feral pig hunters can still buy a tube or box magazine repeating shotgun, still under the slightly easier to obtain Cat. A licence.
      Farmers, fishers and pest eradicators, and security guards can have pump action or semi-auto shotguns as Cat. C guns.
      Clay target shooters still use semi-autos under a Cat. C licence. I’m not aware of gun club shooters using pump guns these days, although I used to years past.
      There are now far more shooters holding valid licences, and far more guns registered to those shooters than in any period where records were kept.
      Trouble is of course, those guns are registered, which as history shows us is merely delayed confiscation at the authorities’ pleasure of time and choosing.
      BTW, I’ve mentioned licence Cats. A (includes air guns, break-action and lever action shotguns, manually operated rimfires), B (any manually operated centrefire rifle) & C (includes rimfire semi-auto rifles) already, the others: Cat. D is basically any semi-auto centrefire rifle, and high capacity rimfire semis, also high-cap pump and semi-auto shotguns; Cat. H is for pistols; Cat. R is for machine guns (also inoperable repros!), silenced guns, cannons, pepper spray and stun guns. To obtain a Cat. A licence is easier than the others, basically pass a competency test and also be a member of a gun club or have written permission to hunt from a landholder/s. All conditions, including storage, is designed to increase danger of vexatious prosecutions, and to make a potential new shooter so in awe of all the hoops that they have to jump through that they give up in frustration. That such hasn’t happened really pisses off the politicians, cops and the anti-gun industry (yes, much redundancy there).
      The only two classes of people exempt from the legislation are the elite, who merely order the police and/or justice minister in that state to write them an exemption*, and the cops themselves, who have exemptions written into the various Acts. Cops routinely steal the best, dearest or hardest to acquire items from any gun owners that they target, corruption is rampant, in that already mentioned, and in gross incompetence in the job (Licence application, what application?) or with vexatious application of the law, i.e. “We’re seizing these guns because…”, and a Browning Superposed goes flying through the air, to land heavily, among the others already thrown. They are the biggest illegal pistol and machine gun dealers, heavily supplying outlaw motorbike gangs.
      If any of that is confusing, you’re not alone, cops (general duties or firearms squad) and prosecutors, and shooters feel the same.
      *exemptions: the late billionaire publisher/media king Kerry Packer was Australia’s biggest machine gun collector, often using one of his helicopters as an airborne gunship to shoot ducks, feral pigs or goats. Hey, if your private landholdings are bigger then many US states, you can do many things that mere mortals cannot! It didn’t matter the political party that gained office, it only took a friendly phone call. No politician in their right mind would deny him whatever he wanted, the same language that power speaks in the US.

  1. So, if he’s talking out of his ass, is he really talking out of his ass?

  2. So the nursing home forgot to strap him in his chair and he fell out and landed on his head. All this time I was thinking it was a mix up in his meds.

    • Are you still receiving home visits from that Leftie librarian, Deathray? She must be really keen on converting you to the Liberal right-think, maybe you should find out if she’ll deliver more than home-cooking and Marxist doctrine.

  3. OI! Ya all a boonch a doom coonts!

    If you ever need a secret agent to infiltrate the land of Oz or even the Kiwi Republic – Glen Filthie is your man! Not only am I a man of a thousand of 1000 disguises…I am fluent in doozens languages…


    • You’d better brush up on sheep dialects if you’re thinking about trying to infiltrate into uNZid, glenfilthie. Or you can just take a heap of small denomination Can$ bills. Those Kiwi chicks do some pretty sketchy stuff when they see a real A$5 bill!
      I don’t know if Canuckistan still has $1 or $2 notes, or if you’ve swapped to coins. The latter are a bit harder for strippers to pick up without their hands, but Cederq might have some grubby $1 greenbacks he’ll sell you at a tremendous profit for himself, which is how it’s done, apparently. Don’t forget to get your sheepdip certificate before leaving home, or you’ll be getting another one at Wellington airport, and it’s the Southern Hemisphere winter here, the kiwifruit under deep snow.

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