Why Not? They ARE A Bunch Of Jerk Offs

File this under Face Palm...



Washington Legislature paid $2,000 to a foundation hosting group jack-off sessions WTF? More info to come








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Now that they are satiated and have had a cigarette, they want to remove George Washington from the state flag for a state named after George Washington.

You can’t make this shit up.

Fucking Commies.

Every fucking one of these worthless wastes of skin need to be recalled.

8 thoughts on “Why Not? They ARE A Bunch Of Jerk Offs

  1. After removing George Washington from the flag, state aparatchiks will then rename the state. The top names under consideration are Utopia and Stalingrad.

  2. Maybe you can re-make your flag into a cheap China-knockoff like the retards changed the Minnesota state flag into a cheap Somalia-knockoff.

    Can’t make it more retarded than ours, there’s no way to show distress by flying it upside down, this den of faggots, trannies and literal retards is always in distress.

  3. They can replace the image of George Washington with a pot leaf with a needle and spoon crossed over it – just to show everyone what their values are.

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