7 thoughts on “Why I’ve kept Guido around so long…

  1. And I’ll bet when you open the bag, it still yaps incessantly. I’ve met a couple of chill chihuahuas, but most of those little shits act like they mainlined crystal meth or something, and just like an angry Mexican, they want to pull a knife and start some shit. The absolute peak of “small dog complex”. I like dogs, but man do I find it difficult to be buddies with a chiuauaua.

      • That’s some good fortune there. Chihuahuas can be great little dogs, if you manage to find one who doesn’t think it has something to prove 24/7/365. One of the cool ones I remember belonged to this little old lady (picture a near dead-ringer the actress Nelda Volz, who played Miz Tisdale in some episode of The Dukes of Hazard) who came into the store where I worked when I was in highschool about once a week.

        It was so small she carried it in her purse, and it never made a sound. Just sat quietly in the purse and we would give it treats. That really was a cool little dog. I still remember that little guy over 30 years later, always got a chuckle out of seeing him peeking out above the top of the purse when she came through the check stand.

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