12 thoughts on “Why I insist to do the dishes… Yes, one of my pet fucking peeve!

  1. Spot on old boy. The dishes a kilter is my wife, then complains it all does not fit and gets peeved when I restore packaging sanity. Hence she cooks and I clean. Fair deal, she is a good cook :-))

  2. When we moved to this house a few years ago there was no space for a dishwasher so we share the washing up by hand after lunch and tea.It doesn’t take either of us long to do and over the years it has saved us a fortune not running a diswasher for an hour each time.

  3. I’m the pet raccoon, my Middle Daughtersaurus is the Scandinavian Architect. Mom isn’t quite on meth, although sometimes it looks like it!

  4. I’ve found there are two types of people in this world, slap dash and meticulous. Dad always instructed us “if you’re going to do something, do it right.” Mom was also a stickler for doing it right. Her pet peeve was “if the corners don’t sparkle, the window isn’t clean”.

    The slap dash people’s excuse is usually “I was in a hurry because…”. My retort was usually “so you didn’t have time to do it right, but you had time to do it twice?”

  5. There is a little flip down cover on the silverware basket that has holes that let you insert the silverware in an organized manner, keeps the pieces separated so they get properly washed, and lets you organize them when you load the dishwasher so you don’t have to when you unload it. I do not understand why I can’t get the rest of the world to see this.

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