12 thoughts on “Why I have a back up.

  1. That’s why I abandoned coffee makers years ago and went to cold-brewing instead. I grind the beans of my choice (Sumatra or Ethiopian Yirgacheffe or the like) to espresso fineness and brew it overnight in the fridge. You could just as easily let it brew on your countertop overnight. With 12 to 24 hours of cold brewing, you get a nice thick coffee concentrate. About a quarter cup topped with water (filtered) and microwaved for 2:30 min/sec renders the best cuppa you’ll ever taste.

    I bought my cold brewer — a lucite Japanese-made thing — from Amazon. Just requires a little patience and planning ahead for the next carafe. One carafe in the cold brewer will last me and the wife about 3 or 4 days.

    • P.S. I failed to mention that in my prepper activities I stocked in about 30 vacuum-packed pre-ground coffee like Bustelo. So if TSHTF, the grid goes down, and we’re living like Medieval peasants again, at least I will have my morning coffee, heated over a campfire.

  2. Glad I don’t drink ANY coffee. And look at the money I save!

    Just rubbing it in, people.

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