15 thoughts on “Who knew? Use a fork and incur the Wraith of God…

  1. So God gives us big brains, ability to make tools and all sorts of other potential species elevating stuff like going to the moon and back and look at the stupid shit we spend our time coming up with.

      • P.S., Cederq – it’s Wrath, not Wraith – unless you’re referring to the Holy Spirit maybe??

        • Igor, you beat me to it! I was thinking that the Holy Wraith must be the Holy Ghost!

      • I had a Great Uncle who ate his peas with a butter knife. Lined them up on the knife then dumped them into his mouth. He could 8-10 at a time. Never saw him drop one.

    • This was before Italy had spaghetti-
      >>While we do think of pasta as a culturally Italian food, it is likely the descendent of ancient Asian noodles. A common belief about pasta is that it was brought to Italy from China by Marco Polo during the 13th century<<

  2. P.S., Cederq – it’s Wrath, not Wraith – unless you’re referring to the Holy Spirit maybe??

    • Have you ever known me to mince words and not use a word that doesn’t mean what it means and use? Yes, the Holy Spirit…

  3. Kreuz Market (pronounced “Kritz” to rhyme with “kites”), a barbecue joint in Lockhart, Texas since the memory of man runneth not to the contrary, does not now, and never has, provided forks. You eat their barbecue with your fingers, or not at all.

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