24 thoughts on “White, Pt 3

    • take another good look at it
      Herr Goebbels’ icon interrupts the lower line
      that makes it a sarc
      only the brainless will try to stiffen their little limp one to salute

    • bye, Steveberg. “one anti-semitic meme too many”. man, if that offends you – simple words on a screen – then, the coming kinetic stuff is really gonna hurt your feelz…

  1. Oh noz! I think we lost a couple of race apologists.
    Too bad. So sad.

  2. If one can’t mock everything, then soon you will not be able to mock anything!

  3. I never thought it would be so easy to clean out the head-in-the-sand normies around here.
    I’m hoping a lot of them wake up, but unfortunately most will be dead first. Oh well.

  4. CederQ,
    happy to see my prayers for your improved health hopefully/might have had some benefit.

    • Yup, boron, all on you. It doesn’t change my stance on other subjects, maybe being single minded now, I might make a difference.

      • I guess your naysayers haven’t been bit by the 13% yet. Like I told my neighbor , ” you’re on your own when they come knocking on your door ” !

      • came to the conclusion that at least you’re opening it up for discussion as wll as bringing all the ragheads and their lovers out in the open
        hope you don’t mind if I keep praying for your continued good health

  5. I think Tribe Up White Man should be every White Guys Highest priority right now Brother…Glad to see more and more getting on board with that survival message… You’re still welcome at my fire anytime Brother it would be good to shake your hand again…

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