Just found out by a reader Bustednuckles.com has been blocked by facebook. What a dubious honor! Never been in a facebook gulag before.

Just found out by a reader Bustednuckles.com has been blocked by facebook. What a dubious honor! Never been in a facebook gulag before.
Y’Know, Your blog, you can post whatever you wish.
But this is over the top.
Yeah, I know, free speech and all.
Keep this up and I will leave after reading for many years. And pull the link off of my blog.
I cannot support the views on this post. And this is like the third time.
I’m sure you’ll delete this comment, but I had to say it.
I would suggest that you don’t watch Blazing Saddles then!
That was the genius of Beavis and Butthead. The people the cartoon was making fun of thought it was complimentary and supportive.
CNN is always looking to add to their 8 or 9 viewers…
I suppose next week’s installment is really gonna cap you off then. Why wait, do your thing now, avoid the Black Friday Rush…
Some Beta Cucks threatening to leave, never to comment again and remove their link to Bustednuckles. Oy the Drama!
I’m not even white, and I can see where (and more importantly WHY) this is coming from. And if you think this is bad, wait until the Chinese take over. It’s a race to the bottom of whether the West (owned by pale-skinned people who do NOT consider themselves OF the West) or China collapses first. If China, then we have more of this gradual descent into mind-tyranny where Noticing is the greatest crime, and where the aggressors and perpetrators are worshipped as Sacred Victims.
If the West collapses first, lots of things happen. One is that sub-Saharan Africans will be totally fucked. The Chinese will have no guilt about wiping them out utterly (expect genetic-marker-linked aerosol transmissible infectious diseases) to get at the resources. The Chinese are the second most racist people in the world, considering all outsiders as various degrees of subhuman. The only saving grace is that the Chinese have the good taste to at least not drag “G-d” into justifying their attitude that outsiders are subhumans, and that they therefore have a warrant from “G-d” to exploit other humans in ways more cruel and exploitative than our treatment of actual cattle.
So no. This shit doesn’t come from nowhere. You can think of it as “hate speech” if you want. But it’s provoked. It’s a defensive Response, not something that originated sua sponte out of mindless hatred “for no reason at all”. This is a few people waking up and realizing that their would-be owners have them marked for destruction. Not merely personal death, but the destruction of their families, their posterity, their history, their culture, and eventually their very memory. And no, I’m not being dramatic.
When I see these threads I automatically think of the fat idiot in American history X throwing out the black jelly beans. I agree though. This keeps up I’m out. Usually really like most stuff on here but I’m not on board with this BS.
Well, I throw out the black jelly beans too. I don’t like licorice flavor. Especially the shitty, chemical-tasting, fake licorice we get here in the US.
Actually I didn’t throw the black ones out. I used to use them as ammo for the wrist-rocket slingshot. Didn’t fly straight, but that wasn’t the point. Enneways, I don’t buy jelly beans any more, so it’s all moot.
Oh, get stuffed, you self righteous old faggot! 🖕😂👍
But… there’s a lot of others out there just like him and worse, guys. They shut down my old blog. I agree with almost all of it and like that more people are seeing the truth of things… but the heat will be on you if you don’t bow down to them.
Ain’t Happening.
Read yesterday that Germany is now sending their previously imported untermensch over to Poland now. Sounds just like the old days.
The noticing is becoming more intense, but there are those that won’t see the writing on the wall because it upsets their world view.
Tolerance is not a virtue, it’s a sin.
Every time someone calls me an Racist, I have their permish to say Nigger. That is all!
When the PC position makes Seeing what is happening Wrong, the people who are hyperventilating and vapor locking and start with their Finger Wagging, scolding the people who are Saying what is happening and pointing out how things Are ,well,, if the Obvious Truth is So offensive to your gentle sensibilities,, Bye,dumbass…
Whoo boy, CederQ, y’all touched a rather energized live wire there!
‘Course, it exposed all the pantywaist snowflakes that can’t stand anybody else’s opinion, eh?
While I disagree on some of the principles espoused in these memes, and quite a few oxen got gored, there’s a lot of… y’know… truth behind these memes and the LibTards are in full Howl Mode.
Go somewhere else ya snotflake. BFYTW
Thus sayeth the Old Curmudgeon.
At least a 14KV line…
Let’s go for a 128KVA feeder. More zap to the crap, y’know.
I don’t see a white only entertainment company, I don’t see whites being hired over others on purpose and publicly claimed.
I don’t see whites getting away with rape, robbery, retail theft, murder, looting, burning.
I don’t see whites only colleges, I don’t see whites et al calling black people niggers, but I do see black people doing all of those things and getting away with it.
I also do not see white men or white women having babies with black people and the babies coming out white. Imagine that.
I harbor zero hatred or negative feeling towards anyone of any color, but, if it is expressed towards me I intend to overcome it with an ultimate desire to live.
Offended? By memes and facts?
Just wait until they come for you screaming about your whiteness and what you owe them.
Black community
Jewish community
Hispanic community
Gay community
Asian community
Muslim community
There seems to be one missing.
“Diversity is our strength”
“Can’t we all just get along?”
“Start building concensus”
“Our greatest ally”
“Putin is literally Hitler”
“Two weeks to slow the spread”
“Common sense gun control”
“Equal rights”
I could go on and on, but you get the picture. All these catchphrases are used to guilt people into acceptance of new cultural norms that will eventually eradicate all of our white culture. We have been programmed to believe everyone is the same, but we’re not.
Cultural Marxism has destroyed our society. If you are intolerant of people that want you dead, somehow you are the problem.
Zionists own our government and make all our foreign policy. AIPAC has an agent assigned to Every. Single. Member. Of. Congress. If you don’t see this, you’re part of the problem.
Zionists are Marxists and vice-versa. See it.
You will not stop the noticing; the truth will prevail.
Sapiens qui prospicit
Unfortunately, most people look behind them, not ahead. It’s going to be a rude awakening for some.
The fuckening, the noticing, the reckoning. It’s gonna get ugly. Do I hear the purge sirens?
Ambulans petat primum… Usually a preferred motion.
the memes are harsh, the reality is much worse
whites have been relegated to a subculture with limited freedom of speech, while all the rest have been put on a pedestal and free to say whatever comes to mind…and act on it virtually free of repercussions
i don’t necessarily support all the sentiments in the memes but i fully support your right to show them, free of backlash
There’s a core of truth in every stereotype. And it reminds me of the motto of the old National Lampoon: “Something to offend everyone!”
So for those so triggered, go somewhere else. The interwebs is a big place.
And yes, I have a copy of the infamous “Split beaver centerfold” issue.
Sticks and stones, and all that other assorted horseshit….
Mike_C is on point, as usual. Races like the Chinese, Japanese Koreans, et al. absolutely do not give a shit about the idea of racism and how it might be applied to them.
But, it so happens the CCP is totally aware of how we in the guilt ridden white anglo saxon protestant west care about how it’s applied to us – to the point where it’s been weaponized against us.
Or did anyone here really think it was a coincidence that western society’s been force fed this crap from the woke DEI firehose for over the last decade (at least)?
I address this ‘specially to you
No matter how you want to slice it or dice it, Jesus was born a Jew: he was born of a Jewish mother and circumcized, per Jewish Law on the 8th day.
He also died a Jew (yes! political a$$hole Jews were complicit in his death), but he died at the hands of the Romans (Italians).
Today’s Jews praise G-d’s name in much the same manner and in much the same language that Jesus did.
As far as I’m concerned, those who hate Jews today, also hate Jesus – for much the same reason: he was a Jew.
After carefully reading and studying Dante’s treatise, I, personally, even though he doesn’t describe it, think there’s a special place in Hell for those of your ilk.
boron- So, if jesus was a jew, a North African (sand nigger) Why should White Men from Europe ‘worship’ him? Or Pray to the ‘god’ (yahweh) of those same sand-niggers? You Know, the ‘god’ who says that only jews are Human, and All Other Races are “…beasts in Human form, created by yahweh to Serve the jew…”
Do a little research into (((their))) babylonian talmud, which underpins the so-called ‘bible’ of the christian religion. Look into what it says about faggotry and child molesting (it’s O.K. to Rape Children who are “three years and one day old” and plenty more Depraved, Sub-Human behavior.
“Kill the Amelek” is the line from the buy-bull the ziokikes use to Justify the Genocide of Palestinians. No Excuse for that shit, nor the worship of a ‘god’ that advocates it.
I believe Jesus the true son of God who came to take the sins of those who profess in him…I’m not some soy turn the other cheek type of apostate, so if you don’t believe that’s fine….but every knee shall bow…you will find out some day in the afterlife…and there is an afterlife….
Now to the current dilemma, show me one thing the africans have accomplished on their own….nothing but mud huts and crude statues……if calling that out offends you then go live amongst them and you will be nothing but a memory of those anglo saxons who built the free world!
Ughhh. I wonder if any of these cucked churchians even read the Bible? Do they fly the pride flag at your church too?
My ilk, what, by your definition as you understand it, what ilk am I, I am. Funny, I would never have thought of you writing a screed such as this, what, reading comments from other blogs. If you want to follow B’s example and never shadow the blog header I will understand and will be saddened. A earnest social intercourse and an agreement to differ in principle has passed I suppose.
“A earnest social intercourse and an agreement to differ in principle has passed”
only if you wish.
I’m a Jew who was raised among strict Catholics, Irish and Italian.
I took my lumps, but I hate only those who hate me because i was born a Jew; not fair: I had no control over that.
But quite a few still follow Herr Goebbels’ dicta; it wouldn’t even matter if I converted.
I (and many of my Jewish friends) volunteered for the Armed Forces (during Nam). Yeah! a lot of Jews ran up to Canada, but, then again, so did many more non-Jews.
Y’ wanna hate me ’cause I’m a patriotic American who was willing to write a blank check for his country (if both my folks hadn’t made it over here prior to 1930, I wudda been born in an oven – I owe Uncle Sam – it’s as simple as that!).
As I said, I worship the same G-d as Jesus Christ, in much the same manner and much the same language.
I’ve probably been to Mass more often than many of the on-line Jew-haters; not because my Dad’s dad was born Lutheran, who converted to Catholicism when he married his first wife (who died in childbirth), and then Judaism when he married his second.
Y’ wanna hate me because I’m a strong Constitutionalist and strongly pro-2nd – a good shot with a 10mm as well; like they say about getting to Carnegie Hall – practice, practice, practice!
Y’ wanna hate me ’cause I think we should bring back the guillotine and the traitors frog-marched to the blade.
BTW: I’m not an Israeli; I don’t hold dual citizenship.
Why are most Jews of my generation middle class; some wealthier? ’cause many of us (like me) were at work at 0500 and worked straight through ’til 1800: that’s why!
We had a Hebrew teacher, an Army Air Force pilot, back when I was studying to be bar mitzvah, who told the class, time and again back in 1950:
“Remember this and don’t forget it. You’re an American and should Israel find itself on the other side in a war, you’re an American!”
And I am. Y’ wanna hate me for it?
I’m an American who goes to a different church, but believes (strongly) in and prays to the same G-d.
And if I didn’t need a walker to get around, I’d gladly prove my point any which way anybody wants.
I use a walker on occasion, I could tie one hand behind my back if that would suffice?
I hate you because you don’t police your community Boron. Look at the rat faced Jonathan Greenblatt of the ADL…he goads the shit out of white people, then screams about anti-Semitism when they react. Where are guys like you putting a stop to it? All I hear is crickets, and cucks like B going along with it.
Some hook nosed jewess in the NYT prints an article advocating white genocide on Americans. Where are guys like you to silence and cancel her, and remind her that white Americans saved her idiot ancestors in the German death camps? That white America gave her a safe home to live in? Where are you to shame and silence your own racists, carpet baggers and cudgels? You shout and scream and circle your wagons around them and PROTECT them! Maybe that’s why you chicken twirling, palm rubbing cretins got kicked out of EVERY country you ever settled in? Or are we all supposed to pretend all that was coincidence too?
I hate you because your people are trying to censor my Bible and tell me certain sections can’t be preached because they accurately portray jewish perfidy in biblical times. Fuck you right back, buddy.
The truth bombs are going off. Your people created them, and if they don’t defuse them, you’ll be in for a world of hurt and you’ll deserve it.
“ Today’s Jews praise G-d’s name in much the same manner and in much the same language that Jesus did.”
Wow, that strikes me as VERY carefully worded. So “Jews praise G-d’s name”. Fine. But do they accept that Jesus is the son of God (or G-d), or do they reject Him and say that He’s in hell boiling in a vat of shit for all eternity? (Or is the vat of boiling shit thing yet one more anti-Semitic slander? Serious question.) And to the point, was your phrasing accidental, or are you being deliberately vague and talking sideways to slip one by us?
And for the record, I have nothing against you personally. Certainly not for being a Jew. Frankly you seem to be a pretty decent guy. From what you’ve just revealed about your origins below, I suspect the Orthodox (not to mention the ultra-Orthodox, have a problem with your paternal ancestry; yeah, I understand the matrilineal descent thing, but so far as I can tell, those guys are real bigots — this from personal experience in parts of NYC and even/especially Kiryas Joel). And the average lefty Reform Jew likely has a problem with your conservativism. So where do you stand in their eyes? Not trying to be mean. Me personally, I’m there: I’ve been told repeatedly, by many Chinese, “you’re not one of us” even though I speak the language (in a high-class accent, even) and have the genes. It’s because of how and what I think, how I act, that has me cast out as apostate.
Tough titty, I’m heartbroken. Oh wah. I’m thoroughly a man of the West. It’s my civilization, my ethos, the source of my bedrock foundational principles. Which is why I’m dead opposed to those who would destroy it. I don’t hate Jews. I don’t hate anyone for their birth. But only an idiot fails to notice that an insanely large proportion of those most destructive to the West happen to be Jews. This sucks for the ordinary, perfectly decent Jew, but there it is. Plenty of people (here and elsewhere) point out the shitty behavior of the PRC, and as a matter of shorthand, they talk shit (appropriately) about those people saying “Chinese” or “Chinks”. Unfortunate, but understandable. I may not like it (actually, I don’t give a shit 😉) but I know where it comes from, and me crying “anti-Sinotism!” can only make it worse.
“But only an idiot fails to notice that an insanely large proportion of those most destructive to the West happen to be Jews.”
The ‘West’ contains the seed of it’s own destruction. A system based on the supremacy of individual self interest will kill itself off. In economics capitalism will tend toward monopoly and concentration of wealth at the expense of the average joe. That can’t continue indefinitely.
In the social realm the “I can do what I want” attitude is conflicting with the increased concentration of people. There is not enough space for everyone to escape to the woods or mountains or wherever to be free from pollution – noise, air, visual, etc..
Scapegoats are easy targets but not the fundamental problem.
Western civilization will kill itself off like any other system that doesn’t modify and change. Purification and reversion to the good old days is not the answer.
True that. It’s the height of arrogance to think the ‘West’ is special and the epitome of human development. Societies are born, they grow and flourish and then they die….just like people. Some last longer than others. It’s the height of arrogance to think the West is the epitome of human development.
I’m not racist. I hate everybody.
Equal Opportunity, eh?
Good on ya!
(Please note that God and Jesus continue to love you, even so.)
When’s White 3 coming out?
High time to piss off the normies.
Soon enough my friend, soon enough.
I really want to say something here.
But my better judgment tells me that I shouldn’t.
I’m throwing that out the window and I’m going to do it.
Here goes.
🖕🏻🖕🏻🖕🏻🖕🏻🖕🏻🖕🏻 all of of you if you don’t like it.
For argument’s sake:
let’s just say you’re (closely) related to Hillary or FJB (or Charles Manson), and your friends (and others) know this: what’re y’ supposed to do?
hang your head in shame, rend your garments, wear sackcloth and ashes?
yes! there are a number of loud, mouthy Jewish Liberals (I call ’em anarchists); I can’t go around shooting ’em all (whether I’d like to or not); y’ can’t even talk to ’em: they know everything (don’t believe me, just ask ’em!)
but I also know people who call themselves Christians of the same ilk; they know everything: they even quote the bible (and CNN) at you.
it’s like talking to the south end of a mule going north.
what I’m trying to say, in a roundabout way, is that low-IQ Liberals (actually Socialist-Progressives) are low-IQ Liberals no matter which church they say they attend.
all of my profs at my “Liberal Arts” (chem major) college were pretty much on the left side Christians (late ’50s. early ’60s); nobody was interested in politics ’til guys started getting pulled out for a short vacation in SE Asia; the school didn’t turn crazy Left ’til the late ’60s.
on another topic:
Christians believe that Jesus is the Messiah: Jews don’t; Jews are still waiting/hoping; that’s the basic difference
use both hands, you don’t have to tie one behind your back:
1. “all fights are won in the mind.”
2. you have my email; we can continue this privately if you wish
I have no desire to debate this. I am sure it would be a circle jerk from the beginning and I see no wash clothe nearby to clean up…
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