8 thoughts on “White, Pt 1

  1. “Just a reminder” that when the first immigration/naturalization laws in this country were codified in the late 1700’s, naturalization was restricted to “free white persons” of “good moral character”. Subsequently there were laws established limiting immigration by quota’s per country, which were all mostly done away with by 1965’s Ted Kennedy Immigration/Amnesty law which was also supposed to close the Southern Border. Congress, those thieving bastards never got around to appropriating the money for border wall construction until Trump arrived at 1600 Penn Ave.

    Read more here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_laws_concerning_immigration_and_naturalization_in_the_United_States

  2. I’ll apologize for being white the same day I apologize for being a “toxic straight man”…ie. ain’t ever gonna fuckin’ happen.

    • Hold your horses, there are two other installments… Plus, some little bit more radicalized after that.

  3. Since when did BBC movies involve white couples? That’s not what they play on PornHub!

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