12 thoughts on “White Lightning

  1. Still wrong. (I saw the “lighteng” or whatever earlier ….)

    Lightning is the zap that comes out of the sky. LightEning is making something less heavy, or less dark.

      • I’m talking big for a lazy bastard who got fuck all done today but instead laid in bed and read a novel. (Not a euphemism. Actually read a book for the first time in too long.) Finally got out of the house at 4pm and had to adjust my car mirrors! I was like an inch taller! Apparently I decompressed my spine what with laying around for 12h. Obvs I’ve been spending too much time hunched in front of my computer ☹️.

        • That is what I did most of the day, read. I did that in my recliner. Can’t read in bed anymore, I read on my stomach and I can’t do that anymore, throws the back out something fierce! I drank coffee and checked on the blog a few times and watch the storm that came in and just blew the trees around and rained a lot. This is Oregun… rain happens.

  2. Watch at 29:30 where Burt shoves the automatic transmission column shifter up into Park, goes into the bar, and when he comes back out at 33:18 it is a floor shifted manual transmission.

    • If you looked closer there are at least two cars. One has a skid small bumper under the front chrome bumper and one without. I am sure the skid plate one was the car used in the wreck scenes and the jump to the barge.

    • I can’t find Gator unless I want to download and watch on my ‘puter, I want a DVD so I’s can watch it on my big 32″ TV.

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