While We Are On The Subject…

I already got the test results back from the Colonoscopy adventure and the good news is that nothing turned out to be cancerous.

Praise Jesus.


Since I have a history of the polyps, they want me to go back every 3 years and do it again.

Such lovely thoughts I have about that…

Anyways, to lighten the subject up a bit, Brad in IL sent me this video so I thought I would share it.

And Mikey sent this one from the comments on the original post.

I guess ya gotta have a sense of humor over the whole degrading experience.

I want to thank you for your messages and comments.


One more from the comments.

Thanks to Ima Jewish Deplorable.

18 thoughts on “While We Are On The Subject…

  1. They found polyps, so that makes you part of the Club.

    When they did me, they said they couldn’t find the transmission I apparently had shoved up my ass.

  2. They nuked my prostate with 7000 Rads last summer so I get to enjoy a colonoscopy every two years…. But its better than the alternative. We crusty folks are necessary for survival of the USA so buckle up, buttercup!

  3. Yes. The procedure is undignified and the prep for it can be an epic all in itself. But colonoscopy properly utilized can prevent more than 95% of colon cancers becoming a fatal event. Pretty good trade off if you look at the benefit.

  4. There is hope that the insurance spider web will be untangled to some degree because of the SCOTUS Chevron ruling last Friday June 28. A fair amount, if not a lot, of the insurance and hospital industry regulations were implemented by Federal Agency diktat, and upheld & adjudicated by judges inside the federal agencies – and now the power of these judges has been severely restricted, if I understand the potential impact of the ruling correctly.

    I am not a lawyer, but I sometimes play one on the internet.

  5. Have watched it 5 times & it makes me laugh & cry. I lived in my bathroom for 4 hours last time I had to drink that crap.

  6. The 3-peat is the result of the nature of the polyps. None of mine were cancerous last year, but I still have to go back every 3rd year because of the type of polyps they were. I can’t recall the full explanation beyond that.

  7. Good news.

    I’ve got 5 or 6 years before I get to give myself food poisoning as per physician’s orders again.
    The procedures (both ends) didn’t bother me, best sleep I’d had in years. HATE the prep part.

  8. 51 here. Next one will be numero 5 next year. Yes that means the first was at 35. I’m pro level about the prep.cheap beer is clear. At least you can be drunk and shit it all out. Laugh all you want. Every prep sucks and sucks bad.

    I’d more worry about how they knock you out. Propofol is the bomb I tell ya.

  9. Meh it’s no big deal….I do mine 100% sober….no drugs.

    Had a rollicking conversation with a very nice Sikh. “And now we go on a tour of your colon!”

    Try it …cool to watch and learned something.

    The fucking IV the put in hurt way more than anything they shoved up my ass.

    • Why I keep refusing colonoscopies. I had one in 2010 when I was 52. The surgeon that preformed it was a trusted colleague whom I had scrubbed for on a couple of occasions when she had emergency surgeries when her regular nurse wasn’t available and she said my colon was a fine as a babies bottom, smooth and no polyps or diverticula. I have no family history of colon cancer. Preceding docs that want a colonoscopy I have said I will shit in a toilet hat and smear a specimen and send it in. All have come back negative and it has a better rate of detection than a tube stuck up your ass.

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