Which Apparently Is Too Difficult For Millions Of Idiots To Comprehend.

As far as I’m concerned, every damn anti gun law ever passed and especially the ones that the Gun Grabbers are doing their damndest to get passed right now are UnConstitutional. hence they are Null and Void.

Marbury v. Madison bitches.

In Marbury v. Madison, the Supreme Court declared that a law repugnant to the Constitution is void and has no binding effect. The Court held that the Constitution is the supreme law of the land and that any law that contradicts it is null and void. This decision established the principle of judicial review, which gives the Supreme Court the power to declare laws unconstitutional.

15 thoughts on “Which Apparently Is Too Difficult For Millions Of Idiots To Comprehend.

  1. Exactly correct in statute and principle. But the practical question has to be asked: How much justice can you afford? Uncle Ted Nugent says the 2nd amendment is all the gun permit he needs, but he has the means to defend himself against lawfare. I don’t. I will be the grey man, and prepare for the sporky times ahead.

    • Hell Yeah Spot gonna be ugly sooner or later only one way out of this treasonous tyranny and it ain’t voting !
      As others have said Ghost pepper spicy times are getting closer just eating for a spark. Everyone’s got a line in the sand. Perhaps when they shut all the food supplies down

  2. I doubt most people know what their rights really are. Actually, Greg (above) is right – you only have the rights you can afford. But even then, look at Trump – he CAN afford it, but he still doesn’t have his 1st amendment rights – he’s been gagged. This is not my country anymore; it was stolen from us.

  3. That rifle is a Remington Nylon 66, produced from 1959 until 1989. Original cost was $50.
    A nice example will bring $400 to 500 today.

    • Yep, My niece’s husband had his rifles stolen while he was at Navy Boot Camp. I had inherited an early 70’s Nylon 66 and a Remington 7400 .270Win from my father-in-law. I passed them along to nephew-in-law. Both rifles were in showroom condition.

  4. It’s not just the First and Second Amendments that have been infringed. The Fourth, Fifth, Tenth and Fourteenth have also been abrogated by Congressional lawfare. I site The Patriot Act and its subsequent companion, the annual military budget bills as culprits.

    That’s not even counting the blatant ignoring of most all laws by the Eff Bee Eye, the See Eye Aaa and most departments of the Executive branch, including the Dee Ohh Jay.

  5. The “Constitution” was rendered Null and Void by the Secession of the Southern States. After the War of Northern Aggression, led by the Rothschild Bank’s puppet, Lincoln, the “UNITED STATES OF AMERICA” was Incorporated under ‘British Admiralty Law’, under which The People SUBJECT TO (owned by the Corporation) have Privileges, not “Rights”.

    It’s all right out in the open if you look for it; Conspiracy FACT, not ‘theory’. Look up the “Financial Emergency Act of 1933” a.k.a. the Bankruptcy of the “Corporate State”. Look up what Senator James Trafficant said about this subject (it’s in the Congressional Record).

    Most of what everyone believes about the Form and Function of the (feral) ‘government’ is a complete Falsity, and the current ‘Outing’ of the Regime that acts as “The LAW is whatever the F***k WE Say it is” should be the Wake-up to everyone that there’s “No Way of Voting our way out of it”. IOW, “you can Vote yourself into judeo-communism, but you have to Shoot your way Out.

  6. And the real kicker about the 2A is that it’s not guns. Only. Not guns only.

    It’s ‘Arms,’ which at the time meant all weapons, ammo, armor, weapon furniture (like gun carriages and gun limbers and stuff) and anything involved in making or maintaining all of that stuff.

    Arms – brass knuckles, gravity knives, box cutters, switchblades, swords, axes, maces, Mace, rocks, blocks, chocks and all that.

    And the foundries, lathes, hammers, tongs, drills, rifling equipment, bullet casting and making equipment, cartridge making equipment (yes, they had cartridges in the Rev War. Paper cartridges, and there was equipment to make the cartridges for each caliber and type of gun, so fuck off BATFE.) All the support equipment for said Arms and equipment, like screwdrivers, hammers and such.

    And it also covers ‘accessories’ so your suppressors, muzzle brakes, scopes, sights, external triggers, multi-triggers, remote triggers, trap triggers and all such stuff like that are also included.

    And… booby traps and artillery and specially designed vehicles and fortifications.

    All of this.

    All of it. So if I want to walk around in Maximillian plate while sporting swords and an MG42 (and I can afford all of that) then I should be able to. As long as I do it responsibly.

  7. The part about the “Well-Regulated Militia” acknowledges the fact that the Individual Rifleman is far more effective as part of an Organized, Trained and Disciplined group, thus recognizing the Right to Organize and Train in Groups. Crew-Served Weapons, particularly Artillery, requires Well-Trained Operators to be Safe and Effective.The treasonous ‘federal legislature’ (Con-gress) is considering making “Laws” against 3 or more people “Engaging in Military Training or Exercises.”

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