11 thoughts on “When will you fight, become a warrior?

  1. Christianity:
    Issues 10 commandments (to control others)
    Pays NO tax (helps itself rather than others)


      • Maybe but they’re in your special book and you’re taught to follow them, aren’t you?!

        “Did you eat the cake, Johnny?”
        “But there are crumbs falling from your mouth, Johnny!”
        “Ah, but you gave the cake to my sister, I just took it from her and devoured it, so no, I didn’t eat it!”

        Still wearing mixed fabrics on a Sunday, are you?! “Nooooo, no controlling going on here…..”
        Definitely one of the milder Pick’n’Mix religions, though.
        The best advert for Atheism is a long read of the bible!

  2. How many Jihads took place from the late 600’s until now? About 550 in the Med and Europe. Each was an offensive to take territory from Rome, Greece and other western countries and to enslave the unbelievers. Well over a million European slaves were taken early on.

    How many Crusades took place? less than 20. Each one was an attempt to free Christians from slavery.

    • Exactly right, STxAR.
      Anyone who still believes the “crusades were like evil an sheet” should read the book The Sword and the Scimitar, by Raymond Ibrahim.
      Christianity was almost wiped out.
      Muslims ruled the Mediterranean for hundreds of years and occupied and enslaved most of Europe, as far north as the middle of France and Germany.

      • Spain and the Balkans are hardly most of Europe.
        It’s all about power. Muslims had it and used it until the 1400’s. When Europe emerged from the Dark Ages and developed power they eventually colonized most of the world. The sun never set on the British empire, until it did.
        As long as there are credulous rubes willing to believe whatever TPTB sells them – religion, tradition, mythical external enemies – one group of people will try to control others through force and the average person will pay the price.

        • Read the above mentioned book Annie. It documents the invasions and occupations of Europe from both muslim and christian historical documents.
          What you have been told is simply not the truth.

          • That’s a pretty broad statement. Please tell me what I’ve read that is not true. I’m not defending the Muslim attempt to extend the empire but it’s naive to think the Muslims were any better or worse than the Mongol, British or any other empire. You want nasty? Read about the Belgians in Congo.

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