12 thoughts on “When The Edibles Kick In

  1. I was waiting for his head to pop off or explode. It really is too bad the visual effects seen in so many movies aren’t real. I would have paid good money to see it happen in real life.

    • Me, too. That guy always looked like he just found out women aren’t supposed to have a crank.

  2. He was blazin’ or he had a seizure. Either/either. greggBC called it, though.

  3. Too stoopid/venal/greedy/power-hungry to quit. Thinks he knows more’n anybody. They’ll have to roll him out on a gurney, like Fineswine and Piglosi… the Senate and House are NOT supposed to be geriatric wards!

  4. I think the bastard had a mini stroke. but like all of the old farts they cling to power to keep the money flowing in or to keep their ass out of prison.
    damn near everyone in congress is crooked as hell.
    a lot of them belong in either a prison or a nursing home.
    maybe what we seeing is a result of the vax ?
    if it is, sweet !

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