4 thoughts on “When men were men, and OSHA wasn’t around then.

  1. During WWII, the government was desperate for timber. They basically told the industry “We don’t care what it takes or looks like, just get us that lumber!” Loggers had a higher fatality rate than the combat military.
    An excellent history: Widow-Makers & Rhododendrons: Loggers-The Unsung Heroes of Wwii

  2. they were tough men who got the job done, whatever it took. they earned their stitches that day and went to work the next and never bitched or griped about it, to complain about anything physical, hot, cold or sore, was considered a sign of weakness then. that’s just the the way it was. stitches were a badge of honor and the subject of some good natured ribbing from friends. they damn sure don’t make em like they use to. -those men won world wars.
    most people now will take a week off work for a paper cut and file a workman’s comp claim, i truly miss those old guy’s. i’m glad i got to know some of those old timers.

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