12 thoughts on “When It Absolutely, Positively, Has To Be There Overnight

  1. JATO or RATO…The original Blue Angels support C130 Fat Albert used to do those at airshows until the supply of the required parts dried up.

    • Yeah, nobody seems to want the 25K thrusters any more. I wonder why?

      Morton-Thiokol, I sense a disturbance in The Force!

  2. I’m not surprised why Fedex costs so much. I live in South America and to have 2 bank cards shipped from Canada to here according to their website would cost me 267$ Canadian.
    Skip the dado rockets and I will get the cards next week not tomorrow. thanks.

  3. This was a project to rescue the American Hostages out of the American Embassy in Tehran after the first raid failed. The idea was to land and take off a 135,000 C-130 in a soccer stadium near the embassy. My supervisor and and very good friend was on this aircraft. The project was named Credible Sport, vids on you tube.

  4. Can you imagine the STRESS on that AIRFRAME??? Never mind the pilot and copilot having to peel their lips off the backs of their heads!!!

    • Yes, I can, and yes, it was calculated. It was never said, but they had to beef up the frame where they mounted the JATOs or it would’ve ripped right off the fuselage.

      No stress on the wings, though, which is A Good Thing!

  5. That Plane was Wrecked, it was also fitted with Braking Rockets to Short-Stop it; the Pilot hit the Switch before the Plane was on the Ground, and it Decelerated so Fast it Dropped to the Ground and a Wing Broke Off. Fire was spectacular, all the Fuel dumped into the Rocket Flames. There’s Video of that one, too. Not sure if there were Survivors….

    • I don’t recall either way whether there were survivors or not. The video was… impressive!

      Timing is everything!

    • The Flight Engineer was responsible for firing the reverse rockets, he hit it just a bit too soon and the plane crashed. All made it out.

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