When Does A Bird Sing?

When they are potentially facing 612,000 years in prison.

Sam Bankman-Fried Arrested In The Bahamas, Charged With Wire/Securities Fraud And Money Laundering

Here’s the “Money Shot”, (I couldn’t resist)

Wendy Peffercorn


According to federal sentencing guidelines, if you account for all of today’s developments, it looks like SBF is looking at *checks notes* 612,000 years in prison.


Yes siree Bob.

I’m just going to go ahead and get out front of this and go on the record saying Sammy didn’t kill himself next week.

If you have even followed this GIANT money laundering scheme even a little bit, you will know that the amounts of money involved here are staggering,

Without a doubt there are hundreds, if not thousands of high level Democrats and Republicans alike who would very much like to see all the sordid details that are sure to come out with an investigation into this never see the light of day.

And little Sammy was picked to be the Fall Guy for all this with a certainty.

Here’s a little refresher of what went on here,

Just as sure as I’m sitting here, The Big Guy most certainly got his 10% somehow, someway and the evidence of that must never see the light of day.

So little clueless Sam Bankman-Fried is going to be the very definition of expendable.

Count on it.

15 thoughts on “When Does A Bird Sing?

  1. Replace Ukraine with the Pentagon (who handles all the money and buys the weapons and materials being sent to Ukraine) then the poster will be right.

  2. No tears for ANY of the slime involved. Most especially The Biden Crime Family and maybe even the Clinton Gang. And/or The Choom Gang.

    • If you were to include pretty much every politician we’ve had. Especially that last disgusting con artist too.
      Then I might be inclined to agree.
      But to only name Democrats is not being honest about the graft.

  3. Don’t worry. Democrat politicians have nothing to worry about with the FBI and DOJ running this thing.

  4. Seems to me he should declare that he’s a tranny gay midget with a learning disability. That’ll buy him a news rotation or two.

  5. And despite all the sturm und drang, his work (the election) will stand, whether SBF and Sweetie are convicted (or even stand trial) or not.
    The Republic is doomed.

  6. So, the Demonrats are shitting themselves that this twit was going to tell the whole world where the money went.

    I wouldn’t bet a plugged nickle that this guy sees his next birthday, especially given his current accommodations in Jamaica.

    I wonder what concessions or how many bags of cash the DOJ made or sent to the Jamaican .gov to arrest this guy.

  7. For added amusement they are holding him for trial in the same jail as they had Epstein. I wonder if they fixed the security cameras?

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