13 thoughts on “What’s coming for Christmas dinner…

  1. I think I’ve said this before at the risk of great derision. Have you tried Spam lately? They have improved the product. It’s really just pork shoulder and they have taken most of that gelatin out of it. I keep a few cans around and sometimes fry up a few slices with my eggs in the morning. Fried egggs, spam, some toast and a serving of cheesy grits is a pretty good breakfast. And of course coffee. Lots of coffee.

    • It’s a guilty treat. I slice it thin and fry it up crispy like salted bacon. It’ll either go with eggs like you said or slice it slightly thicker, fry it, add cheddar and make a sammich. I usually get the low salt version and it’s plenty fine.

  2. Unless the spam is in Musubi, no thank you. We’re not having turkey either, because I don’t like roasted turkey.  Deep-fried or smoked turkey?  Yes, please, and can I have seconds? Christmas dinner looks like it is going to be an unadorned ham with the trimmings the daughter and I like.  I don’t know what dessert will be.  We haven’t thought of something that both of us want yet.

    • I would rather have the ham, not a fowl, foul guy… Pumpkin pie and Marionberry pie fills out the desert side of the equation quite nicely. You just have to place pineapple on a good spiral cut Virginia ham Miss Judy.

      • That’s what my daughter wants to do with the ham. That kid loves pineapple! Me, on the other hand, wants it plain, plain, plain; if she leaves it at pineapple, I won’t have to cut me off a chunk before it gets adulterated, so I can enjoy it.  I’ve never had Marionberry pie, but I’ve had plenty of wild blackberry cobbler that I helped pick out of the hedge rows of Kansas and Oklahoma (and the chigger bites to go with it).

        • Noooo… It is a variety of blackberry that grows around the southern Willamette Valley and has a distinct taste from blackberry

  3. I’ve eaten unsavoury food when the choice is that or starving, but when the only thing available is Spam, well it looks like I’ll be losing weight.
    What I cannot accept about any versions of that brand are the high prices charged for basically garbage food.

  4. Spam is franken food filled with salt, fat and nitrates(another salt that was used by the Egyptians to mummify dead bodies). Enjoy!

  5. Breakfast for 1: Chop up half a can of spam, fry on medium heat until about half done. Add about 2 tbsp real maple syrup. When it’s almost done, add an egg and scramble until the egg is cooked. Put on a plate and serve.

    The egg soaks up whatever maple syrup hasn’t been picked up by the spam.

  6. I eat spam several times a month and I’m not a picky dick about it. You can always tell who the fat pussy’s are, the ones that complain about what other people eat.

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