No Way!

So now you think I have Gomer Pyle running in a loop inside my head or something?

‘Fraid Not.
That whole Conspiracy Theorist thing?
Yeah, it’s more like a Coming Attractions kind of thing ya know?
There were literally people trying to warn us about these Mrna Vaccines and the intention to use them for population reduction clear back in the 1990’s bub.
Thirty years ago.
Just because the government and some private companies have unlimited budgets to spend on just about any diabolical idea they can come up with doesn’t mean that those diabolical plans don’t get leaked to someone.
And eventually to someone else who knows who else to tell so that it gets out.
These so called Conspiracy Theories are more than usually well grounded in Truths That Weren’t Supposed To Be Leaked plus research, educated guesses and evidence.
What was it I saw a while back, that at least 25 “Conspiracy Theories” had been proven to be true?
Bet me there are way the hell more than that.
More than likely twice that.
Sure there are plenty of Whack Jobs out there with their Tinfoil Hats screwed on a little too tight,

But you have to be WILLFULLY IGNORANT these days to dismiss some things you hear out of hand without doing at least a little checking.
Personally, I figure you have to have an above average level of intelligence and a great deal of patience just to be able to weed through all the BULLSHIT the damn Media and the Government puke out every damn day anyway, might as well open your mind a little and , at least briefly, entertain that because you know the Bullshit is being peddled at maximum velocity on purpose, that it might be because they don’t want you to even think about looking into WHAT THEY AREN’T talking about.
They work very hard at keeping everyone’s attention diverted, that is the Media’s entire purpose now.
I would much rather be challenged to find the things they don’t want talked about and hang out with people of like mind.
The alternative IS NOT AN OPTION for me.
I listen to what the media is having ‘vapors’ about and look in the opposite direction to see what the hell is really going on. The Great Toilet Paper Shortage of 2020 is a prime example, the world leaders are in a tissy about it, except for the Russians. Why not them? Or the Swedes, for that matter? Got to looking around, not what the media portrays it as, once again. I haven’t ‘believed’ the media since I was a kid and it has gotten worse as I have gotten older.
got rid of my damn tv close to 30 years ago now. and I have not watched the “news” in a very long time before that even.
I knew they where lying to us back in the early 1970’s after I came home.
and there good old Walter lying his ass off with a smile. and as far as trust goes,
I don’t think I ever had any in the clowns in charge. I know my dad never trusted
them. and don’t even bring up the gov’t around my grandfather ! unless you want to hear him rant on about the evils of FDR for a good half hour.
I remember back in 1968 when they where talking about gun control and mom
telling dad to go and buy 2 pistols and ammo. she wanted a 38 smith for her
and told dad to get a 45 colt for himself. if the gov’t wants to take them away.
we best be getting some first. I often wonder where they ended up at,,,
so, I guess one could say I grew up in a house that didn’t trust the gov’t.
one other thing, I see gas prices have dropped a bit again. it under 4 bucks around here now. I do expect it go right back up again after the “election”
not that there a lot of choice here in Pa. on the dims side, you got a clown who looks like uncle Fester and hides a lot like bidet did. or the great dr. OZ. who is a joke to almost anyone with a IQ over room temp. so, anyway. pick up another 5 gallon gas can to fill with the non corn stuff and add some STA-BIL to it
got a quart of it for 13 and change. the 8 oz size was 9 bucks (?)
so, if you have any extra funds,, buy as much canned food as you can afford to.
almost done with the firewood here, so, I am good for heat this winter and maybe next year too. really wanted to get one of those new Springfield SA -35 ‘s but I can live without one really. I be fine with what I have already.
the thing is, if there anything you want or need to get,, you best get it soon as I don’t think the wheels are going to stay on the bus much longer than this winter.
so, stay safe out there guys and gals.
Wasn’t there a Kathy Barnett that was running against Oz? Lost in the primary, if memory serves. Maybe PA could write her in?
yup. don’t know about writing her in part. but trump put the
okay with oz shit thing and she got canned.
shame too as she made more sense than the other 2 clowns
Okay .. big boi! Think you can handle the truth? Can you? Go to bitchute or rumble. Watch the 10 part documentary series …. EUROPA. Good luck.
That will give me something to do besides contemplate my navel.
Damn! 12 hours worth eh?
I can’t chew that all in one bite but I’ll nibble at it until I get done.
Already started on the 1st one.
Good on you!
Phil, you and your readers are not just conspiracy theorists, more like conspiracy realists. It’s not just in the US, but every damn where, the ordinary person is treated as little more than a free-range animal in a huge tax farm run by our ‘betters’.
My own brothers think that I’m an extremist in my views, with my tin-foil hat way too tight. Both of them have reason enough to think as t do, yet at times appear to me to be wilfully ignorant, almost like they’re scared to have the wool lifted from their eyes.
You won’t make any friends by revealing the truth to the sheeple. When the truth is not just revealed to people, but it walks up and slaps them in the face, the suddenly-enlightened don’t accept that with grace and gratitude, they’d rather shoot the messenger!
It seems to be a human failing, that when ordinary folk get their eyes opened to reality, that they are embarrassed by their own stupidity and seem almost offended that you’ve done them this favour, they can double down on their farm animal-like thinking and behaviour, as it’s easier and doesn’t stress them by forcing them to think for themselves. It’s all just too hard for some people.
Damn it, I could accept the fact that for some of us, reality is just unthinkable, it’s too fucking hard, they’d prefer to live a lie, except that they will drag us to the slaughter house with them, given the chance.
The old Roman adage about “bread and circuses” still rings true, and applies to most people in the world, it seems. Let them get enough to eat, and a slab of grog to consume over the weekend while staring glassy-eyed at the footy, or ball-game of their preference, the useless pricks will allow almost any action by the PTB, so long as they can lead their wilfully ignorant excuse for an existence. Me, I’d prefer to be ungovernable.
Damn Johnno, that was extremely well said.
And I agree.
Me too.
Yeah it was.
And in a language that we all could understand too.
Well, Deathray, you must not have paid attention in your English class back in Georgia primary school. Considering that it was stream of consciousness stuff following from reading what Phil had to say, it’s a wonder that you could understand it at all.
Go contact Herr Unfuck, he wants to talk to you.
Excellent descripton, Johno. This is what some have called “normalcy bias”, to be willfully ignorant, because Reality is too Ugly for many people to accept, no matter how hard it is kicking them in the ass.
More fool them, and unfortunately, we will have to deal with their stupidity when everything collapses. Which will also be Ugly.
Spot on.
Just the same in England.
During the so called lockdown (we never took a blind bit of notice and i went to work normally) our valiant now ex Prime Monster who thinks he’s Winston Churchill reincarnated urged everyone to go out into their gardens on a Thursdays evening and applaud the NHS, and i would say the vast majority of sheep did exactly as bidden, standing outside banging pots and pans like chimps.
Out of probably 200 people where i work i only know of 3 native British including myself who refused all the injections and openly took the piss at the masking, but i met loads of people from other countries who thought like us, surprise surprise we arn’t off every few weeks with the convids.
A Polish mate of mine surprised me one day, during one of our conversations i was asking him why it was so many from other countries and races distrusted the govts and media and refused to go long with this crap where so many native Brits went along with the whole farce.
He said because Britain has never for many hundreds and near enough thousands of years been invaded or occupied, if we had we’d know what totalitarians look like and people would see where this was going.
That was an eye opening moment for me something i hadn’t before considered, and he’s right, i just wish more of my own countrymen could wake up.
Thanks, it’s nice to know I’m not alone.
That ain’t no shit. Here’s a very minor sample.
After the Trump years, personal savings were very high. The gov and corporations know this. Inflation is a way of taking all that extree cash by raising prices on everything, especially stuff people have to buy. Gas, Food, and Energy. Shearing the sheep.
When inflation starts coming down, you’ll know those fucks have everyone’s ‘extree’ money.
More to your post, they are stealing trillions of dollars. Extremely little of this money is put to work For America. It goes in their pockets. When there isn’t any more to steal, the country will be left an empty hulk.
I’m not a conspiracy theorist, BUT about a month before America even knew what COVID was this happened to me.
I was working in a place with about 1000 employee’s. You could run into a co-worker you hadn’t seen in years. I was having lunch when an old buddy sat down and said look at these web sites, handing me his phone. All 3 or 4 were talking about world wide lock downs coming within months. They didn’t know why, but they were coming. There was NO mention of respiratory illnesses. He made sure to tell me he wasn’t a theorist either but was a little freaked out by what he stumbled across.
Within weeks we were sitting at the house…..
And talk about stupid with a capitol F. After tax payers built the football assholes a new stadium with tax money, thye get to pay 70 – SEVENTY dollars to fucking park there for a game. No one more stupid than someone willing to shell out a weeks pay to watch a bunch of assholes play with a ball.
or pay over a hundred bucks for a shirt with some asshole name on the back of it ? a fucking shirt that cost maybe 10 bucks at best to make ?
never could understand it, sportsball clowns make millions and the guys doing the hard things scrape by in life.
I would rather watch my dog take a dump than any stupid game
just never saw the appeal of it.
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