13 thoughts on “What us men can aspire too. Name the sequence, you win unpaid, un-expensed weekend at Phil’s, cleaning his garage.”
Fibonacci sequence?
Yes, you got it right! You win! Show up at Phil’s next weekend and be prepared to work! Oh, and bring a truck and utility trailer to haul stuff. Don’t worry, you can pick up WKRP on the internet here…
I’d be more than willing to help Phil clean his garage out, but the commute would be a bitch….
But think of the scenery for your cross-country trip, man! Opportunity of a lifetime…
God point!
Fibonacci sequence
How’s *that* for a sequence?
The thought of all the stubfarts here rendezvousing one Saturday morning to assist Phil with cleaning out his garage is certainly thought provoking. But considering this crew, the odds of any meaningful progress being made are low. As in “hold my beer and watch this” low, so I’m not sure that’s a good idea.
Who wants to organize it?
Of course I do, see you nutz next Saturday
Stop on your way thru and pick me up.
No fricking way I’m gonna go anywhere near Phil’s garage. I’ve seen before and after pics of his (so-called) clean garage and it still scares me.
I have a skid steer with a 96in smooth bucket. I can clean that out supper fast.
Fibonacci sequence?
Yes, you got it right! You win! Show up at Phil’s next weekend and be prepared to work! Oh, and bring a truck and utility trailer to haul stuff. Don’t worry, you can pick up WKRP on the internet here…
I’d be more than willing to help Phil clean his garage out, but the commute would be a bitch….
But think of the scenery for your cross-country trip, man! Opportunity of a lifetime…
God point!
Fibonacci sequence
How’s *that* for a sequence?
The thought of all the stubfarts here rendezvousing one Saturday morning to assist Phil with cleaning out his garage is certainly thought provoking. But considering this crew, the odds of any meaningful progress being made are low. As in “hold my beer and watch this” low, so I’m not sure that’s a good idea.
Who wants to organize it?
Of course I do, see you nutz next Saturday
Stop on your way thru and pick me up.
No fricking way I’m gonna go anywhere near Phil’s garage. I’ve seen before and after pics of his (so-called) clean garage and it still scares me.
I have a skid steer with a 96in smooth bucket. I can clean that out supper fast.
Won’t you get hungry?