What This Guy Said

Spineless Fucking Pussies.

Until it gets personal for them nothing will change.

That time is coming soon. As CederQ and I talked about briefly earlier, you can feel it in the air and it is getting thicker, palpable. The guy above is articulating what all of us are thinking.

We The People are seriously pissed off already and they just keep lying to our faces and doubling down with inaction towards anything directed towards accountability and collaborating on the destruction of our country.

Then we have threats shoved in our faces almost daily on top of everything else.

The FBI is now targeting anyone who doesn’t toe the official story line of a corrupt and illegal administration and on top of that, the biggest, most corrupt, criminal, lying fucking whore on the planet says out loud that people like us need to be re-educated.

Fuck Around Find Out Time approaches rapidly.

They purposely continue to goad us in hopes that we will finally lash out and give them the excuse they have been looking for to impose Martial Law and shut us all down.

They think that they can actually herd 80 million heavily armed and deathly pissed off cats.

Apparently they have never heard of Mr. Pinky.

15 thoughts on “What This Guy Said

  1. Dude is yelling at the Republicans? Why would any of them try to upend the gravy train?

    Pinky the cat! Hahahahaha!

  2. I laughed my ass off, Pinky is what we are gonna be. Uncooperative, fangs and teeth out, we are gonna go for the balls!

  3. and you really think we going to have a election in 2024 ?
    I don’t and haven’t thought so for a long time now. after the bullshit of 2020
    and the clown show of 2022. you really think we going to have or hold another election ? we talking about the assholes who thought it was a good idea to blow up a pipeline. god only knows what kind of shit they will try here now.
    as for holding the assholes to account ? wish you luck on that one.
    there are so many things now that threaten to tear what is left of this country apart, I will be amazed if it still in one piece by this time next year.
    we are being invaded from the south. close to 10 million of them at least.
    the assholes are GIVING them 2200 per month. average person on SSI gets what ? 12-1500 if they lucky. the assholes in power want to round up everyone that does not think they are doing a “great job”.
    they trying to start a hot/shooting war with Russia- that alone is insane !
    and they are teaching kids to hate themselves but not math or reading skills ?
    way past time to face facts. the fucking hate us and want us dead.
    and you better believe they are working on doing just that too. just look at the crime stats. and they letting them walk out the door. why try to arrest them at all ?
    so, yeah. I do think it will be right sporty by this time next year.

  4. The criminals in power WANT us to act. If we do they will use that as justification to go all out on freedom, impose martial law and start loading up the boxcars. Something they WANT to do but need a plausible reason for. If we DON’T do anything they’ll just continue the death of 1000 cuts process. Either way their goal is for us to lose. And they have spent the past several decades stacking the deck in their favor.

  5. Removing McCarthy for not doing what he promised is a good first step IMHO. We”l have to see where it goes from here. All of these R lawmakers and pundits calling for Gaetz’s removal are part of the problem, especially people like Gingrich. They should be celebrating.

    Then there’s the revelation that Piglosi had removed from the House Rules any action against the Speaker that had been in place for a long time and we’re just now finding out about or at I’m just now finding out that she did that, sneaky bitch. Then we wonder why no real work was ever getting done under her tenure.

    We’ll know where the rubber meets the road and who’s got balls around the middle of November when the current continuing resolution runs out.

    I’m for shut down for as long as it takes to somewhat right the ship of state or to have all of the citizen welfare recipients and illegals go full retard when their EBT cards don’t work anymore and the eagle stops shitting $ for hotel bills.

    Unless of course Bribem comes up with another illegal policy to continue EBT payments like he just did in defiance of the SC decision on student loan forgiveness. Gotta love Demonrats. Just another example of how Demonrats ignore any law or court decision they don’t like.

    • Briberm? Where is the civility in your childish word manipulation. He IS the President…gife him a little respect.

      Josef Stealin….

      • He deserves as little “respect” as possible. He’s a crapstain on the Country, a Manchurian Candidate, a traitor. Weasels cringe when he is compared to them, so do piles of feces.

        Hanging’s too good for ‘im, throw the bum out.

  6. In a government shut down the asshole politicians should be the first to not get paid. But no they fixed that dint they. And what Nemo said.

  7. Last time they had government sanctioned riots there were pallets of bricks that just Beamed Down into a road. This time, will it be guns?

    • nope. don’t think so. I think a white van or truck will “show up” and they will hand them out to who they think will use them.
      although that can be a problem for them. if they hand them out loaded, they run the risk of getting shot by some moron who never handle guns before. and if they unloaded, they run the risk of the morons not knowing how to load them. what might happen is the
      clowns they have been “training” like the John Brown whatever groups will be dropped off loaded for bear like. and get them to form a spear head to attack whatever.
      and God only knows just how many weapons they already have on hand. not that it is that hard for the gov’t clowns to get some company to make a “special run” for them.
      the 3 letter guys have done just that for years now when they needed weapons without any trace to them.
      but I do think we are way past the time where we could have voted our way out of this mess. as said many times before, get out of the cities now. they are going to burn when this does kick off.
      and the “burbs” will not be much safer unless you have formed a
      armed protection group already.

  8. Be like Pinky when the time comes.

    Oh and fuck Travis Kelsey that fuckin commie sell out for money he doesn’t need. Hope he did get the turbo vax for reelz

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