What She Said

Yeah Fuck ‘Em All.

Same Play Different Day ain’t gonna fly you ignorant Commie fucks.

We The People are right on the ragged edge of coming unglued on your asses already.

Keep pushing the button and see what happens.

It took me 45 minutes to get that video posted here.

I originally found just an image on Twitter here.

That Twitter post had a link to an hour long video I didn’t watch but this was the opening part.

The only way I could copy it was by using my phone to video the video, then it took me 20 minutes of fucking around trying to find a way to send it to my computer using Bluetooth.

That method sent it to Google Pictures which wouldn’t allow me to copy it. I finally figured out a way to download the sonofabitch to my laptop and THEN I was able to post it here.

The shit I go through to entertain you guys sometimes turns out to be frustrating as hell because I’m not a computer geek but as you can plainly see, I am stubborn as hell and find ways around the obstacles.

I felt her message to be sincere and compelling. It is also a message that more and more people are sending these days.

It’s just unfortunate that the dirty fuckers that need to hear it are the ones blindly doubling down in the first place.

FAFO I guess.

12 thoughts on “What She Said

  1. Sweetheart, it’s not funny at all that this is happening before a watershed presidential election – it’s planned.
    Gonna be interesting to see what new methods are going to be used to cheat since the previous election chicanery is so transparent now.

    Will the Fourth Box be opened? Stay tuned. Stay Frosty. Stay Low-key.

    • There is no voting our way out of this.(TINVOWOOT). “THEY” have taken over every Polling Authority and judicial systems that matter. They can use counterfeit ballots, farmed ballots, dead people ballots and just crank up the Dominion voting machines as needed. I thought this crew was smarter than the comments I’m reading here.
      It’s not like I’m the smartest knife on the short bus, but I HAVE been paying attention.
      2016 was the LAST almost honest vote. They were cheating that time too, but were overwhelmed by the meat voter turn out. Once the Commies win (2020), they KEEP the presidency, just like EVERY OTHER country where they finally cheat/won the top office. Once the Commies are in you can’t vote ’em out, you have to shoot ’em out. I was born the middle of the last century, I’ve seen this movie before, many times.
      I won’t be giving any advice, I would rack up too many points with the NSA Fusion Centers, But I’ll bet most people here can figure it out. On second thought, I will give ya some advice, stay away from crowds, watch yer six, cover your buddies six.
      Have a great day, it’s beautiful here in middle western Tennessee today.

      • Drat! This was supposed to be at the end, not answering Igor, he’s dead on.

      • yeah, I get that feeling as well. that is why I have been telling people that I don’t think we going to have a “election” in2024
        they will do something to stop it. maybe civil war, or war with Russia (which is insane by the way ) or maybe just stop paying the illegals already here. that alone will bring a crime wave the likes of which we have never seen. the virus crap will not work like last time. and 2022 was a joke !
        and now people understand why I moved to the woods.
        BTW, I like old foghorn leghorn myself. used to have a VHS tape of him, but I lent it out and never saw it again.
        if you have a few bucks in the bank, you might as well get some canned food and ammo stockpiled with it.
        the dollar will fall with all of the bullshit they are doing.
        fix whatever you need too as well. by this time next year, the country will be a lot different I thinking.
        and they wonder why there are a million background checks each month for the last 2 years too. people are waking up to the fact that shit is going downhill here fast.

  2. well, yeah. after the last 2 “elections” here, people are a bit pissed off. to say the least. most people have to drive 40 minutes or more to work and back everyday too. a lot of homes around here heat with heating oil- that has gone thru the roof!
    and propane is not that far behind either. so, you see LOTS of firewood getting cut and split. a cord is close to 300 bucks these days. my firewood guy tells me he has sold more firewood in the past 3 years than the 10 years before ?
    you do see a few mask morons in the nearest large city, but not many around here.
    most of the time, what the clowns do has little to no effect on the locals here.
    but like she said, people are getting pissed.

  3. You keep at the computer stuff and you’ll be a computer geek too! Your time & effort are appreciated!

  4. What makes anyone think they haven’t improved their cheating skills since 2020?
    We’ll be lucky to have an election at all next year, but if we do then I expect the same outcome as 2020.

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