5 thoughts on “What say you Canucks?

  1. Canadians have been most outspoken and anti-American for decades, Cederq. I thank God sometimes that America wisely ignored them.

    We are going to experience some short term technical issues and will be ready to act and speak like adults again… probably in a couple of weeks. Hopefully it won’t be too late.

    • The “Canadians” you speak of are the new immigrants, and Communists from the eastern provinces and the dope fiends on the left coast. If you talk with those from Alberta or Saskatchewan, you would see different. There are still farms and businesses here that proudly fly both the Maple Leaf and the Stars and Stripes.

  2. Canada needs to be reminded of what ‘world’s longest undefended border’ used to signify… With all the stupid shit going on here, it is no wonder President Trump has decided to call Ottawa out on its fuckery. This is long overdue, in my view.

    It is particularly irritating to hear Justin going on and on about standing up for Canada, when he just spent the last ten years telling us how:
    -Canada doesn’t exist
    -there is no Canadian culture, so immigrants have nothing to assimilate to
    -We are the world’s first post-national state
    -Besides, anyone who objects is just a racist, white supremacist coloniser who should be jailed anyway….
    But now I am supposed to be all patriotic because Orange Man Bad?
    I know I’m not the sharpest knife in the drawer, but I’m also not a fucking moron.

    In the meantime, things are sufficiently spicy, and becoming moreso, that we are suitably entertained. For now. I just hope the US can get out of NATO before those idiots in Europe start glowing independently.

    And before I get any more whining about how Canada is going to suffer, recall that Justin has two, maybe three jobs as PM. One of those is to secure Canada’s borders. Since he chose not to, because diversity is good for us, now the fucking thing is wide open and has been for years and the US is objecting to this (and they’re the bad guys? Really?). I know, Justin keeps saying that only 1% of the fentanyl from Canada goes to the US, but there’s a catch: He means 1% of the fentanyl that is intercepted. Big difference, there, Spanky.
    God alone knows how much is actually moving south from Vancouver into the American heartland.

    All of this unpleasantness could have been avoided, if Justin had just done his fucking job, instead of bringing most of India and China to Canada, unvetted and unrecorded.

    But remember, Orange Man Bad, and those who support him are just a fringe minority with unacceptable views.

    Thank you, President Trump, for calling a spade a spade and finally demonstrating to Ottawa that there are adult consequences to adult choices.

    • Justin refuses to secure the border because his Communist-Chinese bosses are in charge of his investment platform.

  3. The one I saw a few days ago: “Canada sucks because half the country speaks French and the other half let’s them”

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