What Part Of GET FUCKED Did You Not Understand Last Time?

As far as I’m concerned there is more than enough evidence right this minute of hideous side effects and premature death associated with their fucking jab to warrant arresting every motherfucker even remotely connected to the damn thing and trying them for pre-meditated first degree murder on a planet wide scale.

The fact that they are still pushing for people to put that poison in their bodies is beyond my comprehension.

I still can’t believe some of them wanted us to forgive them for the way they treated us for not rolling over and taking that jab either.

Fuck You Then and Double Fuck You Now.

26 thoughts on “What Part Of GET FUCKED Did You Not Understand Last Time?

  1. There will be many more people saying no to the vax this time. And to their stupid masks and their bullshit agenda. The flu season will come again and again, and the weather will still be the weather no matter how hard we’re taxed to fix it.

  2. Last time I was not just “NO!”, but way over in the “NO WAY IN BLOODY HELL NO!!!” side of opinion. How can I be any more emphatic?
    Every medical appt. I’ve been to they ask if I’ve been vaxed. I look ’em square in the eyes and say: “There is no vaccine for Covid. What they are calling a vaccine is no such thing, and I will have nothing to do with it. So for your little computer questionaire, you can just check ‘no’.”

  3. “Advisory Panel”. I remember their stupid “advisors” from last time, One night it was a CNN panel consisting of Kathleen Sibelius, Sanjay Gupta, Richard Besser and…… Greta Thunberg.

    Seriously, Greta f*cking Thunberg? What does that little idiot know about virology? They couldn’t find another witchdoctor or a Dr. Phil type so they settled for Greta Thunberg? And they whine that nobody listens to them….

  4. I’ll wait for the Pfizer test results to come out, which I understand is 75-4=71 years from now. I’ll be 144 years old by then.

  5. Been seeing more people wear face diapers around this area over the last month, because the “flu concerns” are getting talked about, I will not comply.

  6. NO!
    Aaaaaand, the great dumbass testing continues. If you own a business, you really need to put a “No Masks Allowed” sign on the door.

  7. Dr.s appt this last week, goes like this.

    bloodwork -good
    blood pressure-good
    Everything ok , any issues? No.issues.
    I see you are not up to date on your Covid vaccine. I encourage you to get it.
    No, thank you. I will, however consider the shingles vaccine.
    You can get that at your pharmacy. See you in 6 months.

    • Fuck the Shingles vax too! I’m an old beggar brat, that has been polluted with so many shots I’m a walking medicine cabinet. Took that Shingles vac a year before the fakedemic, and have never been so sick in my life…Just say NO..!!

  8. after that vax bullshit they pulled, do you really trust anything from them ?
    yeah, right. no thanks to any shots. got enough shots in the damn army to last me a lifetime. got the flu shot one year back in 2003. ended up sick as anything for close to a month. that was the last shot I got from anyone !
    one thing I find hard to believe is how hard they pushed the damn vax .
    it was like non stop drumming on “get the shot” bullshit.
    but when they started with the mask bullshit, then I knew they where full of shit !
    I still remember NBC training from years ago.

  9. Prefer not to have any, but dad got shingles a couple years ago, and had a really bad time of it. Like to avoid that if possible.

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