22 thoughts on “What most people are…

    • Are you referring to me as a cunt Johno? Them’s fighting words… now, had you called me an asshole, I would have bought you your favorite beer, Fosters.

      • Correction*, Cederq, I took that meme to mean that you were calling me, and presumably others, a cunt. At least that’s one English word that you spell correctly. …and right there is inspiration for a new post from you or Phil, supplying the readers with swear/curse words and phrases in different languages and ethnic variations, this being a high class joint that embraces diverse multiculturalism.
        Perhaps you should invite the good readers to make their contributions? We know an Austrian bloke whose job keeps him toasty warm at a forge, even though he’s busy, hopefully he may be able to find the time to swear at you Yanks in German?
        The ladies that frequent this place may expect better of gentlemen such as we, but they will just be disappointed 😧, yet again.
        *you are a bit of a karn, though.

        • Johno, just because I post a meme that has first person pronouns does not mean I am referring to myself. I do not personalize the memes I find and post. Don’t attribute that what is not proffered.

        • Johno, is this what you are calling me? A Karn:karn
          In Corn. mining, a pile or heap of rocks; sometimes, the solid rock.
          A pile of rocks; sometimes, the solid rock. See cairn.
          A pile of rocks.
          The Century Dictionary.

          • See: Fred Gassit, Australian Motorcycle News, “Ya farken karn, I’ll have yo! Look in your mirrors before ya do a lane change, ya dopey karn!”
            It’s dialogue from a comic strip in a motorbike magazine, and has entered the vernacular of popular culture, though a subset of the population, namely fat old farts that like motorbikes and think that they’re still attractive to (any) women.

    • My question for you, Johno is if that’s your handy work who’d you hire to do it. That writing is way too small for you to see.

      • Once upon a time, Phil posted pictures of lovely redhead 👩‍🦰 gifs, and suggested that I get myself a magnifying glass, and I did just that.
        As I explained to your equally dim friend, Cederq, the meme appears to be speaking that to the readers. Still, I suppose that the two of you often display a certain difficulty in English comprehension, usually surpassed only by your Commander In Chief (both of you swore an open-ended oath to follow his orders, remember?).

        • Actually ya dim bulb… enlisted do not swear an oath to presidents, only to the Constitution to defend against domestic and foreign aggressors. Officers swear an oath to the president and the Constitution.

            • I’d heard that word used in movie dialogue, and assumed the script was referring to some unnamed sour Kraut!
              My first go at it was in a buffet style budget serve-yourself restaurant, thrusting a large forkful of what I thought was finely cut red cabbage into my gob. I nearly vomited from the fermented cabbage that I had no knowledge of at my young age. Yes, I was young once, as we all were (not Cederq’s fault for being foaled all those decades ago).
              Why are Northern Europeans so keen on eating fermented foodstuffs: sauerkraut, rollmops, fermented herring et cetera? They already have a cool to frigid climate to keep their fodder fresh for a long period.

              I can imagine Herr Unfuck knocking off for smoko at the forge: raking from the coals his lunch of roast venison and baked punkin, spuds, onion, carrots and sweetbuck, and far removed from the heat, some refreshing lager.
              Gee, a hard life he’s leading, it’s no bloody wonder that he hasn’t made my flanking sabre yet.

        • Speaking of which, Deathray will be able to put the complimentary jar of personal lubricant that he received after his enquiry re a beach lifesaver job, to use very soon.
          His need for lip balm to guard against chapped lips in the biting cold in Alaska is real. His usual source for such products is quite busy with electioneering right now, down in Georgia.
          Soon as Miss Stacey is finished, she’ll head north and apply that balm in her usual personal way 👄 with Deathray!

          • Reading your comments it seems your stay at The Asylum wasn’t really helpful.
            You should at least have kept up taking your medication.
            By failing to do so it’s little wonder your mind becomes deranged.

            • Gee, I miss the old Unfuck U Asylum. It’s a damn shame that Herr Unfuck and Cederq can’t put their heads together and come to some editorial arrangement, not unlike Phil and Cederq has.
              A bonus would be knowing that Unfuck’s bevy of Eastern European ‘nieces’ would be taken care of. Not by Cederq, no, the fox in the proverbial henhouse! I’m thinking more of miss Sandy, she’d keep them in line alright, and marry off some young Marines too.

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