Why yes, yes I do.
A Lot.
Probably too much but I get that from my dear departed saint of a Grandmother.
She was a pro at it.
It’s not like there isn’t anything to worry about, as a matter of fact, there is so much to worry about that I worry that I am missing something to worry about.
The way I see it, if you aren’t worried about something lately, you absolutely deserve what you get when the hammer falls.
And it’s going to fall, trust me on that.

I worry so much about things that I aggravate the piss out of The Wifely Unit.
It’s not that I derive pleasure from it, far from that.
I am the literal definition of The Guy That Just Wanted To Be Left Alone.
The problem here, is that there seems to be a bunch of sociopathic megalomaniacs in places that I will never see, who think they are better than everyone else and that think they should be telling everyone else how they should live.
And die.
Mainly that.
They just want 90% of us to die and leave them to create some unattainable utopia where their every whim is immediately fulfilled by ignorant and easily manipulated brown skinned worker bees who barely manage to keep from starving to death themselves.
I have a problem with that.
Anyone else paying attention to current and likely coming events should have too as it directly affects them.
The political and socio-economic shenanigans I have seen taking place lately tell me that there are some serious moves and realignments coming in the very near future and none of them have my best interests at heart.

None of which are happening randomly.
Living expenses are going through the roof, intentionally created supply chain problems are exacerbating that and those two things alone are enough to cause me to worry about things.
Then we have the Eat Ze Bugs assholes pulling strings and generally making a nuisance of themselves along with the Meat Puppets they control who are doing their damndest to make life as miserable as they can by choking off our abilities to work, travel, socialize, cook, eat and heat the modest living quarters we are still just barely able to afford.
All the while stealing us blind, economically enslaving our great, great grandchildren and enriching themselves with graft and money laundering schemes to make themselves so obscenely rich off our backs as to be unimaginable.
So yeah, I worry about these things.
To tell you the truth, I have had a sense of foreboding in the pit of my stomach for the last few weeks that I can’t ever recall it being so over powering like it is.
It can’t just be me either.
Sure I worry but this is next level dread.
Of course there isn’t a damn thing I can do to stop what’s coming, the die has been cast and the results of events already in motion will be what they will be but this sense of the need of an uprising by restless natives will not shake.
My fear is that it is already too late.
The amount of Died Suddenly I am seeing lately is unprecedented and it is only going to get worse.
It appears to me that The Sheeple inhabiting this world have indeed been dumbed down so far as to literally mimic their name sakes and they are unable to see they have been lined up in the pens leading to the slaughter house.
Like everyone who comes here, I am desperately trying to avoid being collateral damage.
Yes Grandma Phil, I have personally been a recipient of your “worry.” Not that I am complaining, comforting in a sense. When you touch others heart, you reciprocate, You, yourself worry, and care that they are as comfortable and safe as you want to be. I ponder that people we meet and enjoy each’s company that we weren’t friends or family in another plane of life. Who knows, you and me could have been standing with Braveheart, painted blue and showing our collective asses to the English… your skinny ass and my nicely rounded derriere…
Good God that would have won the war right there.
That was creative, silly and a little bit suspect, to paraphrase the monty python cop, and if you post any pictures I will send a family of mountain lions to stalk you.
Now I know why I visit here every day.
Rock on!
“showing our collective asses to the English … your skinny ass and my nicely rounded derriere”
Eyebleach!!! or is it in this case BRAIN BLEACH to remove the mental image created by those words ;-))?
“”Lord, grant me the strength to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.” – Reinhold Niebuhr
It’s been my experience during my 75 trips around the sun that worrying about shit you have no control over and never will, is cause for much of the depression and other neurosis that are running rampant in the first world. That and having to interact with some of the dumbest people that one would ever encounter who think because they’re book smart and.or rich they should be dictating how the rest of us should live.
Fuck that and fuck them.
Eye bleach don’t work in this situation. You need to take a toilet brush to your brainial cavity.
I believe as you guys believe, that the worst is yet to come. I am to the point of saying fuckit, let it start now and let’s get this shit over with.
The only upside I see is the Great Die Off will be mostly the dumbasses who took the jabs. Hopefully most of DC took the Notvax.
There hasn’t been any “died suddenlys” in congress, because they exempted themselves and (((selected))) groups they will need later.
yup. got that feeling a long time ago. got a small cabin in the “woods” like
don’t keep a lot of money in the bank as I fully expect the dollar to be worth less than it is now soon. put all the 401kmoney into getting here and setting things up.
not great, but better than a lot of people. I put a little over 5 grand into putting the two wood stoves in and people around here said I should have installed pellet stoves instead. you can not cook on a pellet stove. and most of them need electric
power to operate anyway. am stock piling a much food as I can with what I have.
powder milk is hit or miss at times at the stores around here.
lots of small farms around here too. local beef is very good and better priced than in the city. what is coming is going to make the 1930’s look like a walk in the park. need to put in a few more garden beds this spring too.
but you right, most people have no idea how bad it is going to get here soon.
it will be a lot like it has been all thru history, the have’s against the have nots.
and just think, the last bill passed by congress gave them 2.5 million for home security ? I wonder who put that little bit in ?
now, is that per year or what ?
I don’t know about you, but I could do a lot with 2.5 million.
I have the ways and means to take out at the very least 10 of those fuckers before I get got…probably many more, so I’ll be doing my part when the party starts.
It’s not that I “don’t worry”, it’s that I just keep adjusting to whatever is happening.
All things considered, that’s all you have to do. Keep a low profile, adjust, adapt, overcome.
Then when the really bad stuff comes down you’ll be in good shape to do something about the scum that is responsible for a lot of this crapstorm headed our way. Of which, I might add, we are now on the fringes of. But, most of us all knew this.
Phil, your shit’s in the wind! Don’t worry too much, you have prolly done what is needed to weather the storm, and the rest of us have as well. Be content with your burden and remain vigilant…Truth will set everyone free!
“There are only two things to worry about, either you are
healthy or you are sick. If you are healthy, then there is nothing
to worry about. But if you are sick there are only two things to
worry about, either you will get well or you will die. If you get
well, then there is nothing to worry about. But if you die there
are only two things to worry about, either you will go to
heaven or to hell. If you go to heaven, then there is nothing to
worry about. And if you to go hell, you’ll be so darn busy
shaking hands with your friends you won’t have time to worry.”
I married Irish American. They all have a worry gene, I swear.
Luckily it is not contagious and there is a huge difference between such distraction and quietly being prepared for untoward events.
The “company” likes to focus on 100 cow rotaries & 10,000 cow herds to feed the masses of “customers”. I still maintain it is “the one cow to the 1 (well actually 5-10 customers)”. Because when you can’t get in the feed for 10,000, it gets ugly real fast. But the one cow can survive grazing your lawn. & then she will dry down to only be able to support 1 customer.
Some folks don’t have the time/money/energy to budget, to worry.
It used to bother me, people not having a single clue what is transpiring
But I conversed with a checker at the market one day. Single, with three kids and two jobs.
Who pays zero attention to the news. Because she can’t afford to.
She isn’t alone in that regard.
And yes, when the SHTF? She’ll be knocking on her neighbor’s door, begging for food.
The future’s so bright, I need welding goggles.
“The future’s so bright,…” When I was in High School, a Friend’s Dad, who had been in the Army, had a set of Goggles that he had from being at the Atomic Bomb Range out West. You could look at the Sun with them, as long as you wanted. One Summer, there was a Partial Solar Eclipse in our Area, and kids in the Neighborhood all stood in Line for a turn to use them.
I’m not being paranoid or a worrywart, I’m being realistic.
Over here in England most haven’t a clue what’s going on, the BBC is their false god of truth, too many actually think politicians have their best interests at heart and that us who didn’t take the poison shots and who ditched TV and newspapers years ago are conspiracy theorists.
What does worry me though is why are hundreds of fighting age foreign illegal immigrant men being ferried in at our south eastern port by our Border Force and even the Lifeboat Service every day and then being housed in hotels throughout the land with board and lodging and pocket money, are they the deniable dirty tricks boot boys for when the cleansing begins?
Something is very wrong in much of the world with western values not just the USA/Canada, and many are too stupid and too brainwashed to see it, whatever Putin’s faults i suspect he’s the one standing against what THEY want hence the mass vitriol against him/Russia, the same vitriol THEY encouraged against Trump.
There is a war going on against Western Civilization and Christianity. Satan is laughing. His minions are fully in control of the body politic and the courts.
Worry is good when it stimulates you to address the problem. Once you’ve done what you can the same worry becomes a drain on you and a negative. When something worries me, I do what I can to address it and then move on. My wife is the professional worrier.
I no longer trust or watch any of the mainstream news channels. The CDC started fudging with their data around April 2022. Prior to that overall death was up 20% with COVID and an additional 20% (40% total) with the vexx. My heart goes out to the people who are overwhelmed and who can’t care, or those who don’t have the resources to prepare. Talking with my daughter the young have been taught the gov’t will take care of them.
Warning-anyone prepared-you will be a target. After a big hurricane hit Puerto Rico I was following a prepared blogger. Within 5 days his neighbors were saying it was unfair he was prepared and he needed to give everyone equal access to his generator and his food.
Who is paying to support the steady influx of illegals across the boarder? What happens when we are all in competition for too little food? Why are we at war with Russia (proxy, economic and probably SF in theater)? Europe is now the biggest importer of US LNG for which we have shut down exploring new wells. Satan is Rolling on the Floor.
ever notice how many of the illegals are of military age males
I wonder what plans the evil bastards have in store for them
like maybe to be used against us ?
or maybe the plan is for them to just overwhelm us with numbers ? I am not sure and really don’t care.
whatever it is, it not going to be good for us.
only 2 maybe 3 people know how much I have stored away
and I plan on keeping it like that.
still, I did get a good semi auto 12 gauge shotgun last year
and I have a fair bit of ammo for it.
It is sad that the party of no more taxes. Is currently spouting that they want a 30% sales tax on all of us bottom feeders…
Which has about zero chance of getting approved ?
Proves that the haves , haven’t a fucking clue how close Joe Six Pack is from going postal. Along with welfare moms too ?
Bet high end toys will be excluded from this tax too.
Just be more sin tax all unnecessary things like booze, cigs and food ?
Yup 30% oughta push the unwashed masses over the edge.
Meh, most of us will end up in the same place and it’s much better than here so stop worrying. Try to get the entertainment value out of this bullshit because if you think about it, it is entertaining.
I mean paul pelousie, that was some funny shit right there.
I was hoping it would have come sooner so I wouldn’t be so old. On the other hand, I’m much more fast and accurate than I’ve ever been, and no fucks to give.
and yeah, laughing all the way.
This sense of foreboding and dread has permeated my very being since November 2019. Lately as yourself it seems to be ramping up. My question to myself is as protectors of the innocent and those who can’t protect themselves WHO is going to do it now? When? This unchecked power grab by DAVOS elite needs to be put into it’s proper place. Who then? The pendulum always swings back and brother it will be a doozy when it does.
I’m about as prepped as I can get. Since January 2018 I’ve never been more at peace with whatever is coming. I’ve done as much as I can. I have the ability to adapt to whatever happens. Since then it’s just been a matter of maintaining my plan & keeping my ear to the ground. I have no ability to influence or change what is coming so I have nothing more to worry about. I’m excited and terrified at the same time. What a time to be alive! (yeah, I’m twisted)