What is it? Been a while since I posted one, courtesy of Bear Claw.

Bear Claw sent these to me and wanted to know what they are. He is on a Walk-A-About and was visiting the museum at Fort Robinson in Nebraska which was a cavalry post back in the day. These items were in a case in the Veterinary Office. No one at the museum had any idea what they are and Bear Claw hopes someone may be able to answer what they may be.

29 thoughts on “What is it? Been a while since I posted one, courtesy of Bear Claw.

  1. I think it’s a syphilis kit. Back in the day they thought quicksilver injected up the urethra was a treatment for STD’s.

    • A night with Venus and a lifetime with Mercury.

      Actually mercury did keep the sores from spreading, but had other medical issues.

    • In the day the doctor would heat a length of silver wire very hot and insert it into the urethra, cauterizing the infected area. Happy dreams.

    • When I worked with the Vet in Alabama, we would castrate an intact bull and he used a squeeze chute that rotated 200 degrees left and right, so, yes, you could give a bull an enema while castrating, the bull ain’t gonna like it. We did use a device that delivered medicine that route, far easier when you have them restrained, then just about to release them once their hoofs were on the ground…

  2. It is a early model Chinese made door knocker and some assembly is required.

  3. It is basically an injection kit where the long brass tube would hold the ‘iinjectant’. The needle is missing but I bet is would be as big as a minor-league baseball bat.
    Glass syringes were a long way off. Too bad meth heads didn’t live back then- hunh?

  4. Posted some ideas over at VM, some are pieces, likely not all veterinary (but could be).

    Round piece looks exactly like a Hog hair scraper head, missing the handle.
    Flat semi obround piece…no idea. Might be a flat scraper piece or a side plate to something (total guess)
    Brass looking tube is from a fluid pump for colic etc…missing the innards.
    Cast Brass item is interesting, quite the piece of handiwork…looks like a gauze holder (like a paper towel holder today)..hard to know for sure.
    Last one looks like it clamps, but not a tail dock device. A weird one.

  5. The shiney thing looks like half a door hinge to me. The round thing looks like a flange for a door knob. The thing with the black handle on it looks like a latch for a door. You could put a padlock through the semi-circle end to keep locked. The round thing with rifling looks like a bushing for something that requires grease.

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