What I Paid For Gas Today (Open Thread!)

This was a bit out of town and quite surprising to me, was not the most expensive gas around here,

Notice the Non Ethanol price, $6.59 a gallon.

This is the same place that I posted a picture of the price of Propane last year, $3.99 a gallon. It is still the same price,

I haven’t been grocery shopping with the Wifely Unit for a couple of months because I can’t take that much walking all at once so I have no idea what the price and availability of grocery items are at this point. Ridiculous I’m sure.

I did finally get one of those Crippled Old Fucker Parking Permits that says I can park wherever I want, I’m waiting on the license plates for my truck so I don’t have to mess with that thing you hang off the mirror.

So what are you guys seeing where you are at and what else is going on?

It’s been a while since I did an open thread so please chime in so we can get a good cross section sample.

41 thoughts on “What I Paid For Gas Today (Open Thread!)

  1. We paid $3.75 a gallon delivered to our house. No delivery fee. We live in rural Nevada. We get it delivered once a month. That was the price two weeks ago.

  2. I run marine gas at 3 cents less than regular. It has no ethanol, giving me better mileage. Fuck turdoh! The grease queef!

    • I cant find marine gas in rural AB…. but gas 2 weeks ago in fort mac was 2.01 a litter. In southern AB its 1.79 for premium 91 octane or 1.86 for 94 octane.

      • Around Central Alberta between 1.30 and 1.39 a litre, not great but better than down south, apparently

  3. About $4.10 a gallon for diesel.
    That’s around a nickel more than a week ago. Fairbanks was over thirty cents more last week.
    Plenty of groceries available at our store, but ouch they’re expensive. Got close to ninety degrees the last couple days and I don’t like it. I know it’s worse in other places and I’ve lived there too. Good thing is it doesn’t last long. That makes for some seriously bad fire conditions and we get concerned about that around here.

  4. Premium non-ethanol $3.89 in Auburn Al. Reg Ethanol $2.89.

    Spin Drift

  5. $4.65 for regular or road diesel NW Wa.
    Last week saw $3.44 across much of north half of Minnesota. Their roads are in much better shape. & part of their gas tax pays for 4 months of snow mobile trail grooming beside the road! (they get paid $368 per mile groomed at least once a week for the season)
    Gallon of local milk is $2.50, down from $3 two months ago.

    • Calf buyer said day old Holstein/Angus or Charlois crosses are $430 this week. Since they are a major player, they are either banking on a strong long term market, or they are trying to bleed out their competitors. It has not been too many weeks since the pricing climbed from a stable $150. Prepare for the next shoe “Sorry, $40 is the best we’ll do”.

      • From the last two market reports from Orland Livestock auction yard in NorCal-

        6/22: “1783 head today. No rain in the Midwest. Corn futures are going up and feeder futures are going down. August feeder board is down $15 from their highs in just a few weeks. It definitely shows on cattle headed to the grow lots. But the West Coast has more grass than most people remember ever seeing. Top quality grass calves (up to 750# on a steer) are still selling really well. It doesn’t seem like there will be enough feeders, bred cows, or pairs to eat all this grass.”

        6/29: “2741 head today. Almost unbelievable market on grass calves today. We had some big lots of calves. 180 Jensen steers weighed 644 and brought $2.82. Pen of 95 Rice steers weighed 660 @ $2.8475. Big end of his steers weighed 747 @ $2.66. That’s $1989 a head. For a calf.”

  6. 87 octane (with “up to 10% ethanol”) running $3.36-3.49/gal here depending on station and location. A nearby Walley’s is on the high side of that, QT and other majors (BP, Midwest Petroleum, 66 and Mobil here mostly) running lower, at most stores I’ve seen this week while driving around. Diesel still over $5.00/gal, but I’m not sure what exactly, as I have nothing in the fleet that runs diesel presently so don’t really pay close attention to it.

    Groceries are still high, eggs and milk are slightly off their all time highs of earlier in the 1sf half of this year, beef down a little and chicken down pretty notably. Pretty much everything stilll way up versus 2021, and shrinkflation of package sizes (while also increasing the per unit price) is where we are really.getting fucked. Fewer out of stocks and long term “holes on the shelf” are seen now, but still not 100% normal.

  7. Here in the middle of the woods Kentucky, regular is $2.79, high test is $3.54, and diesel is $3.16. Compared to the rest of the country, we ain’t doing that bad.

  8. Shrink-flation is what’s catching my eye. Volumes/weights are down 15%-25%, and prices up 10% for the smaller product. It’s absolutely shameless.

  9. Regular unleaded was $3.13 yesterday, still cost me 75 bucks to fill the truck from half tank + cans for the mowers and such. Last propane I bought was $2.05 a gallon but that was this spring. Beef headed back up in price, Pork and Chicken spendy but stable. Anything with grain in it is jumping up also, but the wheat harvest has been in full swing around here and I noticed a lot of the regular bean farmers went with corn this year so we will see how that plays out. Still dry, watering the garden every other day but I made my first batch of fresh Green Bean Medley for my sons and grandbabies over INDEPENDENCE DAY short week so that makes it worth it.

  10. Filled up the ’05 Tundra at Fleet Farm in Green Bay, Wisconsin this morning with their No Ethanol mid-grade. Prices as follow: 87 octane E10, $3.139/gal; 89 octane No Ethanol, $3.839/gal, and 91 octane No Ethanol, $4.039/gal

  11. Gas around Roseburg, OR is about $4.50 or so a gallon. I can’t even afford to go out and get laid at those prices… Well, it is a Chevron Station, they think their gas is gold plated.

    • I’m sure there’s some that come to you in your area. Call ‘em up ya cheap bastard.

    • Whatta ya mean not gettin laid. Youre gettin fucked every time you buy fuel.

  12. I just finished a cross country trip (I40 nearly every state).

    Cheapest was $2.76 at Bucees in Crossville, TN.

    Highest seen (not purchased) was $4.99 – – I don’t even remember the state.

    AZ used to typically be 20 cents a gallon less than NM (under Gov Ducey, R). This trip it was 20 cents more (Hobbs, D).

    I avoided California.

  13. Here on the other side of the lake the best diesel price locally is the equivalent of $5.08 per US gallon. Yes, grocery prices are stupid and not helped by everyday supermarket scams like 250g for £1, 500g for £2.50.

  14. Your NorCal report-
    Regular (10%) gas fairly stable at $4.69. Count your blessings if you can get non-ethanol fuel in your area. I sure wish I could.
    If you shop around you can find diesel for not much more that regular gasoline. That’s good to see.
    Milk is $4.29 a gallon, eggs $5.99 for 18. There never has been a scarcity of anything in the grocery store locally, for which I always say a liitle “Thank you, Lord” whenever I shop.

  15. Regular here in Central Texas runs between $2.79 to $3.29, Diesel is around $2.99.

  16. Here in NW Florida, cheapest I saw it yesterday was 3.16 a gallon…down a bit from pre-4th prices just before/during the vacation travelers that flooded us.
    The non-eth up the road…not sure exactly. It’s a little too soon to stock up for Hurricane season with El Nino in motion this year, but the last I remember seeing it was around the low to mid 4 dollar area.
    Of course, the prices above are without their “membership” prices. Don’t trust them fuckers…they’re tracking something.

  17. Prices range from $3.14 @ BJ’s to $3.69 for regular/ethanol @ a Shell here in Central New England across 22 local stations. Median price is $3.49.

  18. Mid-state NC. $4.19 a gallon yesterday @ 93 octane, no ethanol. Down $0.20 from 2 weeks ago.

  19. Here in the “Right” side of Warshington it’s $4.70 plus for E10 Regular. Just run over to Idaho where it’s almost a dollar cheaper!

  20. Around $4 give or take a dime or two,here in Mat-Su/ Anchorage. No ethanol around these parts. We sip our corn liquor here not waste it in automobiles. Drill baby, drill. FJB

  21. Eugene, Oregon.
    The new Quickie Mart at Roosevelt and Highway 99… diesel — us$3.51 a gallon.
    2003, after we built our ExpeditionVehicle, I immediately added a 140-gallon ‘saddle-tank’ to supplement the original 50-gallon tank.
    On the toy-hauler I fabricated on a similar commercial chassis, I added an additional 120-gallon diesel tank.
    In theory, our duration without re-fuelling is Anchorage-to-Acapulco.
    Our introduction with plenty of portraits, plus our reasons for our decisions:

  22. Cincinnati area: ranging from $3.04 at Costco to $3.49 at BP and Marathon. Was higher last week. It bounces around from day to day here. Gas Buddy is our friend.

  23. Just got back from a working trip to Goliad TX.
    Home is just south of Mt. Pleasant TX.
    Low test was anywhere from $2.88 to $3.39.


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