13 thoughts on “What do we do then?

  1. looks like an attempted meme produced by paid memers pretending to be relevant in their fight to protect democracy and the greater good or some such nonsense…..i’ll wait

  2. Most of the conspiracy theories over the last several decades are now conspiracy facts. You could quit drinking and they’d still be true.

  3. It’s some of the best entertainment in the world.

    Being anxious will not and one hour to a life time.

  4. Been saying for years now that our interwebs age is a wonderful exercise in epistemology: Just how do you know what you think you know? And further, just why on earth do you want to believe that?
    I assign provisional probability to everything I read or hear about, and most of what I see with my own lyin’ eyes. Sometimes as little as 5% probably true, sometimes as high as 90%; NOTHING on initial examination rates 100%.

    • I’ve been online in one form or another since 1988 and ever since the late 90’s until now all of my best newsworthy information is channeled through about 8-10 websites that have proven themselves trustworthy. And, just about all of those 8-10 sites are aware of each other and almost daily provide informational links to each other. In other words, over time and my own tolerance, the news items that cross my radar sweep are mostly self correcting. Not always, but at least 99% of the time. Busted Knuckles is one of the more recent additions (2 years now) that showed up in one of the original 8-10.

  5. During a recent convo with a close relative I stated “everything is rigged”. His response was “ahhh, Mr. Conspiracy Theorist is alive and well I see”, like the typical sheep that he is.

    Even when confronted with facts that confirm the conspiracy, they choose to discount and ignore them.

  6. Economically, politically, socially, infrastructaly, and intellectually we are already finished. Disinformation is just the icing on the cake to keep us running in circles. Cheers for the tossers.

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