I found this on Twitter earlier today.

First a little background.

When I saw this, it had been re-posted by This Guy.

Now I have seen this lady on Twitter before and I have two things here.

I think she is very pretty and she is also quite intelligent.

As I said, I have seen her stuff before.

That being said, this came out of Left Field on a rail.

She even says that it was 3:00 A.M. and she knows it’s off the wall because she says anyone seeing it would be lucky because she was probably going to delete it, because it’s racist.

So, watch this and be prepared to be very surprised.


Shit’s fucked up innit?

So me being me, an asshole, I replied to the post from the guy that re-posted it.



Nothing personal honey but we got a lot of shit on our plates right now so all y’all is gonna have to figure this shit out on your own. Oh, and by the way, when the lights finally flicker and go out? Get you some of those Wakanda geniuses to figure out how to turn them back on.”

Sometimes I just can’t stop myself.

2 thoughts on “WHAAAAAAAAAAAT?!!!!

  1. It’s not the negroes and Muslims that we can’t talk about. (For one thing, “racism” has lost any meaning to probably 80% of Americans, including liberals.) The problem is we can’t talk about the massive harm to society committed by a group of high-IQ ethnocentrists who consider anyone not of their group as barely human. Or as talking animals who exist only to be exploited by “real humans”.

    These are people who continually work against the US and the West, both economically and by pushing vice and degeneracy. People who are hated by the natives of pretty much every host country they have occupied, because they are clannish and nepotistic and control WAY more money and political power than could reasonably be expected, considering that they are a tiny fraction of the population in those countries. Oh, and who brutally suppress, put into functional concentration camps, and kill “troublesome” ethnic minorities in their own country.

    I’m speaking of course about the Chinese. (Who else could possibly be described as above? Who, who, who?) But, I warn you: Stop with the anti-Sinotism now!

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