4 thoughts on “We’re gonna need it.

  1. Best financial advice of the year. Who else remembers that bumper sticker 23 years ago that said “Ammo..the currency for the new millenium”?

    • funny, I have been saying that for years. started my stock pile back after the AWB got passed. without ammo, all you have is a fancy club or rock. by the mid 1990’s I even got into reloading.
      so, now I have a “fair” bit of ammo and the means to make a lot more. and as a old grunt, I know you never have enough ammo.
      or magazines. kind of weird how some people have 1000 rounds of ammo and only 2 magazines for their handgun ?
      BTW, if I had any idea that ammo was going to go up in price like it has. I would have bought it by the skid load !

  2. I remember when an old gunner told me not to bother with reloading it was cheaper to buy it new.

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