5 thoughts on “Wendyworn’s and Midwest Chick’s dilemma…

  1. Reminded of a time in the Navy down in Key West, when my division officer, (a LT) gave me a book to read. He had also given the same copy to a 2nd class PO to read. I read it and then asked them if there was anything strange about the book? Both of them thought it was a great read. Neither one of them knew or realized that over 50 pages of the copy were repeated in the book. It was then I realized that a lot of people are morons.

  2. Let’s be honest, it’s difficult to come up with fresh content each and every day! I frequent blogs (mostly cartoon artists) that only update once a week, and I bet that even THAT’s difficult. Schlock Mercenary managed for years to do a strip a day, but finally wore down and semi-“retired”. I miss Calvin and Hobbes, Far side, Over the Hedge, Dr. Fun (an EARLY one!), surely you get the idea and you have blogs that have gone by the way, run out of creative juices, or the author has simply shuffled off this Mortal Coil.
    More’s the pity.

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